Message from @Sam Amari

Discord ID: 497861346927443979

2018-10-05 19:45:02 UTC  

Rexxer goin hard

2018-10-05 19:47:14 UTC  

I just saw venom it was fucking awesome!

2018-10-05 19:47:47 UTC  

Question for VC : What will the government do, if you have, lets say more than 20 kids, with multiple womens and can’t afford to pay child support at all? @Happy Humble Hermit

2018-10-05 19:48:24 UTC  

what's Venom? a movie?

2018-10-05 19:48:24 UTC  

Will wait for torrent @Happy Humble Hermit

2018-10-05 19:48:49 UTC  


2018-10-05 19:49:25 UTC  

2018-10-05 19:51:47 UTC  

Having kids with multiple women itself would be a crime when you are married, Polygamy is a crime.

2018-10-05 19:54:41 UTC  

Lets say it was legal @ColdEmbraceOfDeath

2018-10-05 19:55:06 UTC  

Just some food for thot

2018-10-05 19:56:27 UTC  

There was this case where the court reduced the child support a guy owed his ex to 25% of his salary since he got married again and has to support his family (note that it's still not about him, only his new wife and her kids)

2018-10-05 19:56:53 UTC  

Maybe something like that

2018-10-05 19:57:16 UTC  

Or you simply get tossed in jail, which is more likely to happen

2018-10-05 20:01:24 UTC  

i broke my dry spell and had sex wednesday night. it had simply been too long. what i did was meet her on tinder, slide into her dms with my instagram account that has none of my information on it, and go to her house. there's no way she could ever trace me or find me cuz she never got my phone number, or even my full name. and yet i did everything with her sexually. women are fucking easy but you gotta play these dumb ass games just to get sex for free in 2018.

2018-10-05 20:02:16 UTC  

im not saying she was particularly HOT but imo that was the best way to do it. didnt cost me anything and no commitment.

2018-10-05 20:02:17 UTC  

^ too much work, sex torso FTW

2018-10-05 20:02:33 UTC  

im kinda broke right now. couldnt really afford even a sex toy like that.

2018-10-05 20:02:55 UTC  

not too broke for a thot's annihilation of what's left of your life, tho

2018-10-05 20:02:59 UTC  

of course, sexbots will be preferable when they're good enough

2018-10-05 20:03:06 UTC  

meh idk how she could do anything.

2018-10-05 20:03:14 UTC  

i have documentation of her asking to see me again

2018-10-05 20:03:19 UTC  

ugly chicks are even more dangerous cuz they're desperate

2018-10-05 20:03:46 UTC  

so it couldnt be construed that i did anything wrong. i have a text from her asking for a follow up meet up

2018-10-05 20:04:08 UTC  

but ya im gonna ghost. she wasnt as cute as i thought she was (instagram angles) but i went for it anyway.

2018-10-05 20:05:16 UTC  

that Paloqueth sex torso is pretty nice

2018-10-05 20:05:32 UTC  

its like $30

2018-10-05 20:05:59 UTC  

jiggles and everything, holes feel pretty realistic

2018-10-05 20:06:14 UTC  

no nasty ass smell, and doesn't get hurt from the bbc

2018-10-05 20:06:29 UTC  

nice fam. like i said, im open to that shit. i literally just went for it cuz i realized she doesn't know my age, name, is inviting me to HER house and is clearly down

2018-10-05 20:06:40 UTC  

i like to think im careful

2018-10-05 20:07:07 UTC  

shit, i talked to her through TextNow for extra security

2018-10-05 20:07:23 UTC  

free app that gives you a burner phone number. so she doesnt even know my real number xD

2018-10-05 20:09:10 UTC  

I will make the Pimp's prayer for you, so the Lord helps you through the thirst of the thot

2018-10-05 20:13:08 UTC  

thank you sir. yeah man. i'm listening to the chat right now and this guy is talking about how he's never going to have sex again and all women are parasites... well, if that works for you thats fine. i will admit after its been too long, i need to have some sort of physical contact. so i do the best i can to minimize the fallout

2018-10-05 20:13:25 UTC  

and to do it safely

2018-10-05 20:13:45 UTC  

HHH isn't celibate either. he never really goes into the details of that, but at least i know im not alone in that.

2018-10-05 20:14:04 UTC  

if i could turn off my desire for women forever, i would

2018-10-05 20:14:27 UTC  

Thats the whole essence of MGTOW. U do u bro. Just be careful.

2018-10-05 20:14:56 UTC  


2018-10-05 20:14:57 UTC  


2018-10-05 20:15:06 UTC  

yea this is a good group