Message from @machtyn

Discord ID: 506628915431866389

2018-10-30 00:40:13 UTC  

It's sad.

2018-10-30 00:40:22 UTC  

Like my roommates... can't figure life out and they're fucking 27.

2018-10-30 00:40:29 UTC  

The masses are but its human nature to follow

2018-10-30 00:40:36 UTC  

yeah true

2018-10-30 00:40:46 UTC  

So where do I sign up to be a jewish conspiracy bro?

2018-10-30 00:40:50 UTC  
2018-10-30 00:41:07 UTC  

Followers looo dumb but being accepted is more important than truth and understanding

2018-10-30 00:41:17 UTC  


2018-10-30 00:41:23 UTC  

You are a goyim

2018-10-30 00:41:30 UTC  

lol right 😄

2018-10-30 00:41:32 UTC  

Youre an animal to them

2018-10-30 00:41:40 UTC  

Let me share a word of wisdom with you guys

2018-10-30 00:41:43 UTC  

that's ok

2018-10-30 00:41:48 UTC  


2018-10-30 00:41:49 UTC  


2018-10-30 00:41:53 UTC  

I tried to send a youtube link

2018-10-30 00:41:54 UTC  

I wanna join tho too lmao

2018-10-30 00:41:57 UTC  

and it didn't work

2018-10-30 00:41:57 UTC  


2018-10-30 00:42:01 UTC  


2018-10-30 00:42:26 UTC  

dm me

2018-10-30 00:42:54 UTC  

@BlaqShiep Why germany tho?

2018-10-30 00:43:12 UTC  

why was germany the target for the jews? was it their insane engineering/economy?

2018-10-30 00:44:00 UTC  

Germany was a target for Jews due to the rise of it's economy after NAZIs got in charge

2018-10-30 00:44:11 UTC  

Germany spoke out against them

2018-10-30 00:44:21 UTC  


2018-10-30 00:44:23 UTC  

Refused to be controlled

2018-10-30 00:44:52 UTC  

Ghaddafi was a good leader in my estimation

2018-10-30 00:45:08 UTC  

Ghaddafi was a great leader

2018-10-30 00:45:21 UTC  

he raised the living standards of a 3rd world country to something much better

2018-10-30 00:45:46 UTC  

He vowed to get every Libyan house and he said that his own parents wouldn't get a house until every Libyan had a house. And his father died while waiting for that dream to get realized his mother was very critical over that decision

2018-10-30 00:46:20 UTC  

His bodyguards are all women and you had to be a virgin as well as other requirements

2018-10-30 00:46:27 UTC  


2018-10-30 00:46:29 UTC  

But this set a very good example for a Libyan women

2018-10-30 00:47:32 UTC  

What he did majorly wrong though is he wanted to takeafricA out of the petrodollar and the United States couldn't have that. The petrodollar is the only thing that gives our fiat currency and you value right now

2018-10-30 00:48:23 UTC  

@BlaqShiep yeah the 2.281 jews killed a minute is pretty fucking impressive lol

2018-10-30 00:48:24 UTC  

The best way to prove that Ghaddafi was a good leader is to look at Libya now and look back at Libya while Ghaddafi was in charge

2018-10-30 00:48:40 UTC  

You have literal Slave trades in Libya nowdays

2018-10-30 00:48:51 UTC  

It would have taken enormous resources to pull that off too

2018-10-30 00:50:05 UTC  

dude this is intriguing

2018-10-30 00:50:13 UTC  

do you have any other resources?