Message from @Shido

Discord ID: 514540395191861289

2018-11-20 20:33:18 UTC  

Teach her how to be a real woman idk

2018-11-20 20:33:25 UTC  

mothers can't raise boys properly and fathers can't raise girls properly

2018-11-20 20:33:59 UTC  

that's why if you have kids and are married, you guys need to stay together and be the best damn parents you can be

2018-11-20 20:34:11 UTC  

divorce fucks everything up so bad

2018-11-20 20:34:16 UTC  

a boy need a men presence

2018-11-20 20:34:20 UTC  


2018-11-20 20:34:27 UTC  

oh men

2018-11-20 20:34:31 UTC  

u touch a point

2018-11-20 20:34:47 UTC  

this days ido some studies on that

2018-11-20 20:34:49 UTC  

Mgtow guys are very masculine compared to those PUAs imo

2018-11-20 20:35:03 UTC  

You guys heard of a Sigma male?

2018-11-20 20:35:12 UTC  

PUAs are simping af

2018-11-20 20:35:29 UTC  

I think real MGTOW men have a Sigma personality/mindset

2018-11-20 20:35:55 UTC  

have you heard about warren farell stuff ?

2018-11-20 20:36:03 UTC  


2018-11-20 20:36:06 UTC  

it talk about the boy crisis

2018-11-20 20:36:16 UTC  


2018-11-20 20:36:45 UTC  

and one of the reason for him is there is too many divorce those days, and boys grow up with their mother without men presence

2018-11-20 20:38:32 UTC  

Not only that, these boys can't have a weak father either. Boys need to be raised by strong and unbreakable men

2018-11-20 20:39:39 UTC  

The military is good for learning what it means to be a real man, especially for those struggling men who are raised by single mothers

2018-11-20 20:39:49 UTC  

yep agree

2018-11-20 20:39:56 UTC  

I like that values the military teaches

2018-11-20 20:40:18 UTC  

i think the same, but almost see as weird to think that

2018-11-20 20:40:18 UTC  

I don't care much for having to fight for a cause I don't necessarily support though

2018-11-20 20:42:11 UTC  

The military teaches discipline, mental toughness, physical toughness, how to operate in a social hierarchy and do well in it, etc....It's basically a warrior mindset that I love about it

2018-11-20 20:42:51 UTC  

Resilience, and doing what needs to be done no matter what

2018-11-20 20:42:58 UTC  

iron will

2018-11-20 20:42:58 UTC  


2018-11-20 20:43:00 UTC  

i can go on

2018-11-20 20:43:07 UTC  

your father should learn u this

2018-11-20 20:43:20 UTC  

but this values dont exist anymore

2018-11-20 20:43:40 UTC  

society got soft because we became to civil

2018-11-20 20:44:01 UTC  

we have so much now and we don't need to put much effort into getting anything these days

2018-11-20 20:44:37 UTC  

instant result/gratification

2018-11-20 20:44:42 UTC  


2018-11-20 20:45:10 UTC  

Military personnel are seen as monsters to the average citizen

2018-11-20 20:45:34 UTC  

but this why i dont like social network, because they are showing instant results, always the happy moment

2018-11-20 20:45:56 UTC  

I got mentally corrupted by the internet

2018-11-20 20:46:20 UTC  

not the tough moment

2018-11-20 20:46:26 UTC  

I'll be honest, I've been feeling weak and too soft for almost two years now

2018-11-20 20:47:03 UTC  

I need some sort of physical challenge that pushes my limits to the edge