Message from @MufflePuff
Discord ID: 521556274010259458
More I prefer to play. Watching feels too lazy to me especially if I'm watching with others and HEAR them talking about sports like it has any impact on our world, like its relevant, important, or of any value in the big picture
Yeah, that's exactly my point. So many people think that that's more important than the actual things that matter in life.
I can understand why many women get upset when men run to sports on TV (besides women being selfish and so only what they like makes sense to them). Sports tend to make men look like primitive apes, spending so much energy money and time on something that is like the video you watch before you start working some places (except sports won't do much for most), something that means so very little
Shopping is more reasonable then TV sports if you look at it on the surface
Plus none of these players give a fuck about their fans. THe vast majority of them are just in it for the money and to be a part of the celebrity proletariat.
@Andrew The Meme King have you played Rust? I'm super late and it's old but it looks fun. It's on steam.
Sports you sit in one place, often eating lazily, while hooting and howling like an ape and commenting like you should be getting paid to do it. Shopping you're exercising and rarely eating; you're moving about. Of course, biology is a lot of it. TV sports usually just makes men FEEL better emotionally; shopping is a 'total body workout'-- body, mind, and emotions
I'll see if I can pick it up if you're down to play
@Ginger Naps, if I played sports I'd be in it for the money, not the fans
@Andrew The Meme King Hell yeah. It's supposed to be like you start as a caveman and work your way up.
I don't know shit about steam or PC gaming though so I'm looking into it.
Fans aren't smart. Only naive players actually 'appreciate' fans and not the money and fame fans bring them
Lmao I was like I know just who to ask 😈
I'll agree with you that they're not smart. I've rarely met a sports fan that i didn't consider a pizza and beer junkie lout.
When I'm working for money that's all that is on my mind. People are fickle. Wave here and there to fans and get on about your business
Fans aren't smart
The word 'fan' isn't taken from 'fantastic' but from 'fanatic'
They're idiots, some worse than others, only a few thinking ones who watch for the fun of it
They're 'fans', lunatics for whom thinking isn't a strong suit at all
Let me know if you get it.
And besides I think that some singers have killed themselves or at least gotten really depressed when they realized that their fans cared nothing about them but just the ENTERTAINMENT they brought fans. Might be what happened to Robin Williams; his misery was apparent, but fans are idiots and cannot see the forest for the trees. Don't know of anyone who committed suicide while they FELT loved
I don't know if i was making millions of dollars doing anything i'd be reinvesting that into my community and my supporters or fans. But i'm not like most people.
Maybe that's why i'm not a millionaire. I'm too nice and nobly minded.
I believe only in good investments with all you have to invest: TIME first, health, money, resources, ENERGY, etc. So millions would be invested where they'll have genuine access lasting impact, not homeless shelters, churches, and animal shelters that already have a hundred donors each-- and not McDonald's or any big stores (clothing, food, whatever). I'll invest my money in mom and pop stores and little outlets, give only to those who aren't already financially set for the first half of eternity. Spending at these places is terrible investment; spending at small places that aren't already rich af is a good investment and not just financially but mentally and emotionally
@GingerSnaps nice or not, you have to find an end and focus on it. It'll draw your towards it and you'll be able to gather all you need (money, etc) since your focus isn't what you need to get to the end but on the end itself
I'll agree with that and that's primarily what i had in mind. Like a lot of the houses around the train yards in philly. their foundations are being shaken to the point of collapse. DId any of the eagles players that made millions winning the super bowl do anything for those homeowner/dwellers.. no. They probably spent it on new shiny things.
The fans are idiots, and so are the players.
People who just want to be rich get there about. 05% of the time... But people who have found a cause (not always a good one) have a far better chance of becoming rich if that's needed since being rich isn't their end but happens to be a means to their end
Yes fans are fanatics (basically lunatics)
and people who have money are usually idiots as well
You're not taking a red cent with you. You better stop trying to save your life and assets and invest in others and other things so when your time comes to exhale once more and lie still, you won't be scared to die because you've truly lived
On that note, bedtime. Work calls at me for tomorrow. Night
Night mna
@Change Order Eh...I wouldn't beat yourself up about not ever being in one. It's not that big of a deal really. Just make sure that if you do go after one, you do it on your own terms and you do it for yourself and not for things like social validation.
I don’t really care; was never for social validation.
I do put on a good show especially in large, small, or even no audiences
Just do your own thing. I know it sounds cliche but in reality the only opinion that matters is your own.
Never listen to jews
and water is wet bruh
everyone tells me im racist for having such a 'hateful' image of them jews