Message from @Yowilkat

Discord ID: 528869644048662538

2018-12-30 08:52:05 UTC  

So how are you today shadow

2018-12-30 08:52:18 UTC  

I'm aight. Just got back from bumblebee

2018-12-30 08:53:17 UTC  

Too short should have spent more time on cybertron

2018-12-30 08:53:27 UTC  

But not too bad

2018-12-30 08:55:14 UTC  

Huh, what do you do in cybertron

2018-12-30 09:00:08 UTC  

Bomblebee is a movie..

2018-12-30 09:00:12 UTC  


2018-12-30 09:00:20 UTC  

You know. <:GWcentralWowDess:377110520819613696>

2018-12-30 09:00:37 UTC  

Big tiddie robots <:oof:516458979250012160>

2018-12-30 09:00:41 UTC  


2018-12-30 09:01:03 UTC  

So I just read a doujin with those, the cleared my history and realised that would have been worth sharing

2018-12-30 09:01:08 UTC  


2018-12-30 09:01:26 UTC  

And sorry I'm not up to date with movies

2018-12-30 09:02:17 UTC  

That's fine. Anyway yea I was watching a movie with friends now I'm hanging out with my bro

2018-12-30 09:05:32 UTC  

Actually watched that last video hermit uploaded... damn caller thought he could enter the Lion's Den, knowing lions are dangerous. Purple pills are crazy people

2018-12-30 09:07:27 UTC  

I went easy on him it was xmas eve and I didnt want to spoil the day further

2018-12-30 09:16:21 UTC  

I could tell.

2018-12-30 09:18:07 UTC  

He was seeking approval for making a bad decision. He knows the decision is wrong, but it feels good at the moment so he went with it

2018-12-30 09:18:36 UTC  

This is actually a thing that women do all the time. Don't see it as much in men, but he had probably been married so long that he had low T

2018-12-30 09:38:48 UTC  

Hey guys. I saw a video of feminist claiming that they'll take over Murica

2018-12-30 09:39:09 UTC  

They already are

2018-12-30 09:39:12 UTC  


2018-12-30 09:39:21 UTC  

Future is Female they say

2018-12-30 09:39:29 UTC  

They've been saying that a long time

2018-12-30 09:39:37 UTC  

Men no longer interest in Women i say

2018-12-30 09:40:16 UTC  

If women have all the positions of power, there will be no men in power to chase after. Or to blame

2018-12-30 09:40:20 UTC  

Let thwm take over America. Lets see what happens when ME Arabs taje over

2018-12-30 09:40:26 UTC  

So it's their own fault that they're becoming miserable

2018-12-30 09:40:30 UTC  

And impose Sharia Law

2018-12-30 09:41:11 UTC  

Its like trying to destroy a shelter in order to let catastrophe happen

2018-12-30 09:41:41 UTC  

Im an Filipino Muslim but i dont follow the religion anyways

2018-12-30 09:42:11 UTC  

tfw u wake up in the morning and u already know ure bored

2018-12-30 09:42:14 UTC  

and dont know what to do

2018-12-30 09:42:49 UTC  

Id try to imagine setting up multiple accounts and trolling feminists

2018-12-30 09:42:56 UTC  

Its fun <:oof:516458979250012160>

2018-12-30 09:44:21 UTC  

i dont even think about women anymore

2018-12-30 09:44:26 UTC  

they are out of my mind

2018-12-30 09:44:55 UTC  

Wdym, I just fap to hentai and thats it

2018-12-30 09:45:21 UTC  

i feel like when i was a kid where women werent even in my mind

2018-12-30 10:53:31 UTC  

Holy shit at Hermits golden parachute video

2018-12-30 10:53:40 UTC  

where are these cucks coming from?