Message from @matthias09

Discord ID: 529136834803138560

2018-12-31 03:12:47 UTC  

Oh and Hermit since you are floating around I wanted to run a question by you.
So as a teacher/mentor especially concerning 'Red Pill' ideas if a guy comes up to you because you look like you have your shit together or whatever reason you want, but he asks you how to get the attention of women.
Do you tell him how to attract women or focus on teaching him 'Red Pill' knowledge and warning him of the dangers of women in the current year (in America).
I know that the two are not completely exclusive but in my head it comes down to a trade off of giving him what he wants to prove compotency (say this and she will do that etcetcetc...) vs teaching him what he needs to know but him not listening.
Just wanted some thoughts on it.
@Happy Humble Hermit

2018-12-31 03:13:03 UTC  

@matthias09 this discord?

2018-12-31 03:13:32 UTC  

idk anyone really because i want to ask some questions

2018-12-31 03:13:37 UTC  

to someone who is

2018-12-31 03:14:26 UTC  

Well @matthias09 I can answer basic stuff but the only person who has really studied it that I know of is TFM. He has some good youtube videos on the subject.

2018-12-31 03:14:52 UTC  

@matthias09 I studied economics and worked in finance for about 5 years before I realized I hated it

2018-12-31 03:15:50 UTC  

@Reaper XD I don't hate it yet but I am only 3 books and 1 uni course into it. I am that way with code tho. 5 years in and I never want to touch the stuff again.

2018-12-31 03:16:22 UTC  

@Kragt there are things to like about it honestly it was just not for me

2018-12-31 03:16:39 UTC  

@Kragt i would do neither. you dont talk about that shit with students. i would just tell him to focus on himself and following his dreams/goals

2018-12-31 03:17:39 UTC  

@Happy Humble Hermit Thanks. Not the answer I was expecting but that was something I did not consider.

2018-12-31 03:17:41 UTC  

well my main question is that inflation seems to getting worse and worse in my country so if possible i wish to leave because i see things only getting worse .... so thats why im wondering what country can i potentially move to and continue to do my trade (ICT) where the economy dosent look like a complete shit show and where i can have reasonable standard of living (good computers and internet and easy access to food )

2018-12-31 03:18:03 UTC  

What is ICT?

2018-12-31 03:18:31 UTC  

well specifically i deal with networking and telecom

2018-12-31 03:18:34 UTC  

And what is your current country if you are ok revealing that. (Someone else please stop me if that is not allowed on this discord)

2018-12-31 03:18:52 UTC  

Country is ok

2018-12-31 03:18:55 UTC  

Trinidad and Tobago lower part of the caribbean

2018-12-31 03:19:38 UTC  

Ok, so there are pretty good countries to work in depending on your needs. I only have looked into a few (mostly in asia) but the big hurdles are usually getting a visa to work.

2018-12-31 03:20:19 UTC  

some of those countries that would be economically stable and have a decent standard of living

2018-12-31 03:20:23 UTC  

are which ones ?

2018-12-31 03:20:32 UTC  

If you have a degree or internationally recognized certifications that helps a ton.

2018-12-31 03:20:52 UTC  

yeah its britsh certified courses im doing

2018-12-31 03:20:56 UTC  

its internationally recognized

2018-12-31 03:21:07 UTC  

@matthias09 to be honest I don't know the landscape for your profession specifically, you have to chase the jobs to wherever they are at, look into the cost of rent compared to your potential salary and actually go visit any location before you settle on living there

2018-12-31 03:22:14 UTC  

@Reaper but aside from the specific job field what countries in your opinion looks to be decent economically in the future

2018-12-31 03:23:27 UTC  

what is going on?

2018-12-31 03:23:48 UTC  


2018-12-31 03:23:51 UTC  

We're jumping ship

2018-12-31 03:24:02 UTC  

To an mgtow island

2018-12-31 03:24:11 UTC  

yeah okay.

2018-12-31 03:24:15 UTC  

@matthias09 unfortunately I think that the few countries that will weather the next financial crisis will be ones with the most authoritarian governments, ie Russia, China, but may maybe look into a place like Singapore

2018-12-31 03:24:23 UTC  


2018-12-31 03:24:25 UTC  

Can i bring some filipino's?

2018-12-31 03:24:26 UTC  

true Nexus.

2018-12-31 03:24:37 UTC  

i agree.

2018-12-31 03:25:13 UTC  

<:youwotm8:524083191833952257> what's sup Nigger.

2018-12-31 03:25:34 UTC  

the hard N

2018-12-31 03:25:34 UTC  


2018-12-31 03:25:47 UTC  

<:woah:501543165396779008> you want it hard?

2018-12-31 03:25:56 UTC  

i can give it to you hard.

2018-12-31 03:26:02 UTC  


2018-12-31 03:26:05 UTC  

just call me.