Message from @ToastMcGhost

Discord ID: 531022328235032586

2019-01-05 08:05:37 UTC  

From an individual perspective, I really can't see the use of women (And I know the feminist say the exact same thing about men)

2019-01-05 08:06:15 UTC  

A male/female pair is optimal. If life were a video game, you'd want to pair a female with the male.

2019-01-05 08:06:20 UTC  

Women have a place it just isn't managing a tech company or in a swat team

2019-01-05 08:06:20 UTC  

It'd just make more sense.

2019-01-05 08:06:36 UTC  

But life is multiplayer and you can't control your teammate and stop them from team killing so you have to play single player.

2019-01-05 08:06:42 UTC  
2019-01-05 08:06:42 UTC  

The enemy won't lower their standards for women so why should the military?

2019-01-05 08:07:04 UTC  

Primary schooling, age care, nursing

2019-01-05 08:07:17 UTC  

By optimal, I meant in life in general, not military just then, btw.

2019-01-05 08:07:19 UTC  

Roles where feelings matter

2019-01-05 08:07:23 UTC  

@Whats gay anymore Don't men do better job at those?

2019-01-05 08:07:45 UTC  

In my personal experience no

2019-01-05 08:07:53 UTC  

Nurse maybe

2019-01-05 08:07:59 UTC  

As much as relationshits are in a bad state, the world would definitely be much worse off without them.

2019-01-05 08:09:14 UTC  

@Aero-Mach Maybe it's just my internal monk speaking, but the only thing I see is that they are cute. That's about it.

2019-01-05 08:09:33 UTC  

They're tasty snacks to look at and play around with too.

2019-01-05 08:11:39 UTC  

Besides, the kids are much worse off without relationships, which means lower quality people for the future. Eventually you end up with a shithole from uneducated serial killers running around.

2019-01-05 08:11:58 UTC  

@Aero-Mach I used to romanticize the interaction with them, always thought how awesome the sex is and all that.. But it really isn't, the thirst just makes memories grow sweeter with time. The fantasy of it doesn't match the reality.

2019-01-05 08:12:52 UTC  

Suit yourself. I'm not a pussy beggar or a oneitis mangina type but I can definitely understand why men would want sex/relationship.

2019-01-05 08:12:53 UTC  

It's never what you expect or wish

2019-01-05 08:13:08 UTC  

@BlzAhz I fell for the trap of only remembering the good in a relationship. I always got that urge to text them and reconcile, then I would remember all the terrible shit they did out of boredom orwhatever

2019-01-05 08:14:16 UTC  

@Aero-Mach Yea, but the relationship isn't there.

2019-01-05 08:14:27 UTC  

It's better to understand that women *don't* provide value rather than them being incapable of doing so. When you look at it like that, it makes sense as to why there are still so many men chasing some fictional girl he thinks exist.

2019-01-05 08:14:32 UTC  

It's just a thought entertained by the man

2019-01-05 08:15:34 UTC  

Make sense, right? They're worthless to you(and me) because they choose to be. Not because they are inherently flawed or undesirable.

2019-01-05 08:18:06 UTC  

@Aero-Mach But yeah about the kids being worse off.. I think you are right about that. But personally I don't care about that (I'm not procreating), and that's why I think our views differ. Don't get me wrong, I understand that other people want to leave something for the future generations i.e. thinking stuff after their deaths, leaving a legacy.

2019-01-05 08:18:46 UTC  

@ToastMcGhost I've always been like that, got back together with 2 of my exes that way and it was over again in weeks because in reality they were shitty

2019-01-05 08:19:39 UTC  

@Aero-Mach "Make sense, right? They're worthless to you(and me) because they choose to be. Not because they are inherently flawed or undesirable." I don't think they have a choice, women just don't care about men as people.

2019-01-05 08:20:08 UTC  

But I don't think they are flawed. They just have nothing to offer me.

2019-01-05 08:20:18 UTC  

But that's just my personal view.

2019-01-05 08:22:00 UTC  

*Women can't care, the ability just isn't in them.

2019-01-05 08:22:10 UTC  

It's not their fault.

2019-01-05 08:22:28 UTC  

I don't disagree with you necessarily. The only thing we differ on is women. Which I think are bad by choice, not by inherent flaws in what they are.

The same way men can choose to ignore typical destructive masculine traits, women can do the same, they just don't. Obviously we know they aren't incapable of resisting biological inclinations. So while we both agree that they have little to offer, I believe it's a choice they make, whether conscious or not.

2019-01-05 08:23:13 UTC  

Women have an easy time saying no to men, but they have a hard time saying no to themselves. Which leads to many of the issues we see today, in the western world at least.

2019-01-05 08:23:48 UTC  

They can't help it; they are what they are.

2019-01-05 08:24:00 UTC  

But we know for a fact they can.

2019-01-05 08:25:42 UTC  

They only look out for themselves (nothing wrong with that), they just choose the best option presented.

2019-01-05 08:26:07 UTC  

Punishing bad behavior affects the decision.

2019-01-05 08:26:35 UTC  

But still the underlying "reasoning" is the same

2019-01-05 08:26:50 UTC  

If they can get away with it, they will do it.

2019-01-05 08:27:06 UTC  

Whatever "it" is.