
Discord ID: 199432648685256704

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You can do that, if you don't mind everyone muting you/the server.

What does that have to do with pings?

Are those real quotes? Did they really say that? lol

Speaking on unbelievably stupid things people have said, are any of you guys familiar with Georgia Free?

She's a commentator on YouTube in the same vein as Lauren Southern and Lauren Chen used to be.

The particular video of interest is her tinder video. Which is apparently so stupid that intelligent people that watch it have their IQ docked a few points. lol

Lauren Southern was in it for her career, it was pretty clear that she wasn't going to practice what she preached.

Shadow has a trap profile picture so I'm just going to assume he's a trap in real life with no interest in women. I imagine everyone as their avatars so Massa, you're a mouse. smh

Well, nobody said traps were gay.


That's hella gay. imo

But you do you. lol

Ahri is okay.

Not the best waifu around.

Ramlethal is the best.

Absolute perfection.

Chobits was lame.


That Bowsette cosplay is a dude?

What the hell? I'd love to see how he made that cosplay.

2D Waifus > 3D Thots > Traps

This is a MGTOW server. It's not a controversial opinion to like women over niggas. lmao

Y'all gay.

Damn, y'all side tracked me with all that trap talk. I forgot to finish my point on Georgia Free.

Basically, she made a Tinder video that said it was "inadequate for women" and "unfair to men". Upon watching the video, she said bizarre things like. "Women can't compare men so it's not helpful to them"

And "You can't see how many girls swiped yes on that guy", and as retarded and vacant minded as the video was, it received tons of praise from her audience.

She explicitly said. "You can't tell if he's the coolest one in the group."

She's 30+ and talked like she was in middle school.

Imagine being mad at an application because they won't tell you who the richest dude is. lmao

Also good for putting "redpill woman" in double quotes because we still don't know what that looks like outside of Diana and Karen

Diana Davison, FeminismLol, etc

Canadian political commentator and activist.

Karen is more redpilled than most men tho.

They seem to be getting better.

Shoe0nHead is trash.

The only time people talked about her is when her nudes leaked. lol

She doesn't exist anymore.

That was hyperbole, she still exists(duh) but nobody talks about her anymore. she's irrelevant like Battlefield after 5.

Is Toast gone to search up those leaks? lol

My dude didn't already know?

I'd say she is.

She's a solid 7.

Y'all niggas like traps. I can't trust y'all tastes in women or "women"

What I like in women are women. Not men.

Personal preference.

I bet y'all would hit it if you met her at a bar. smh.

Yeah, they are privileged.


That shit was amazing.

Which site do you use?

Never heard of the first one, the second is a store front, not a video site and the last two are Lol for hentai.

Pixiv because it's in Japanese and ugly as sin to navigate and lol @ twitter.

Duh, why else do you think there are so many white knight manginas?

You follow artists, not their hentai. It's not for browsing pictures or reading doujins, etc. I think it's less of me not following the right people and more of you using awkward and bizarre avenues to look at anime tiddies.

As tempting as it is. You can't ban thots for being thots.

Discord will delete servers and infringing accounts. Incels/alt right get hit by that a hell of a lot on discord.


I'm just sayin'

It's against the ToS to ban people for reasons like that.

Female only servers are thing? I didn't know about that, I just know Alt right/incel servers get hit a lot for "discrimination".

Just be careful and don't broadcast why you do it.

Ban people, but don't say it's because they're women, smh.

I didn't even know he had a server.

*Facepalm*, M'kay.

There will never be a need to become cannibals.

I mean, I'd rather eat grass or simply die than eat people.

Curious...are you waiting for an opportunity to snack on someone? <:goblin_slayer_sip:383212291732144130>


I'd put it about even with getting married.

I wouldn't eat people ever. I think very few people actually would, which is why when they get lost in the wild, they generally just die before they start eating each other.

A match on tinder just asked to meet up in less than 10 minutes(It's 1:30 AM here).

Getting stabbed and robbed is easier than I thought. I didn't even need to purchase a course on Udemy.

BlzAhz, I'm in Texas.

South Texas(particular Austin) is complete social justice cancer. Other than that, it's pretty quiet in central Texas.

Double standards exist because men and women are different. They can't be treated any standardized way.

Men, while as a collectively aren't nearly as bad as women, also have plenty of issues.

Outside of the military and professional sports, men don't form friendly relationships with each other, they rather chase pussy.

Let's not pretend that most men are good. They're just preferable, not ideal.

Are you same guy that asked if we would eat each other?

Lol, just checkin' mate.

Sex segregation is much different than racial segregation. One has an actual positive benefit to it.

Blacks, Whites, etc. Being in a mixed classroom or sport is a none issue. However, adding women to the mix does change the behavior of all men in the group.

And not for the better. Men(and women) focus much better when the opposite sex isn't present.

For both men and women. Women and men get more competitive against each other when the opposite sex is present, which isn't ideal for a team or people trying to learn.

Segregation is proven to work based on sex.

Unless Toast thinks military units should be mixed sex.

A male/female pair is optimal. If life were a video game, you'd want to pair a female with the male.

It'd just make more sense.

But life is multiplayer and you can't control your teammate and stop them from team killing so you have to play single player.

By optimal, I meant in life in general, not military just then, btw.

As much as relationshits are in a bad state, the world would definitely be much worse off without them.

They're tasty snacks to look at and play around with too.

Besides, the kids are much worse off without relationships, which means lower quality people for the future. Eventually you end up with a shithole from uneducated serial killers running around.

Suit yourself. I'm not a pussy beggar or a oneitis mangina type but I can definitely understand why men would want sex/relationship.

It's better to understand that women *don't* provide value rather than them being incapable of doing so. When you look at it like that, it makes sense as to why there are still so many men chasing some fictional girl he thinks exist.

Make sense, right? They're worthless to you(and me) because they choose to be. Not because they are inherently flawed or undesirable.

I don't disagree with you necessarily. The only thing we differ on is women. Which I think are bad by choice, not by inherent flaws in what they are.

The same way men can choose to ignore typical destructive masculine traits, women can do the same, they just don't. Obviously we know they aren't incapable of resisting biological inclinations. So while we both agree that they have little to offer, I believe it's a choice they make, whether conscious or not.

Women have an easy time saying no to men, but they have a hard time saying no to themselves. Which leads to many of the issues we see today, in the western world at least.

But we know for a fact they can.

Doesn't the same apply to men? The difference between how we punish men and women is that we punish men and not women, If men didn't get punished, do you believe they'd also act with undesirable amoral agendas?

Most of us would understandably say yes, men would also act pretty unfavorably.

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