Message from @Sigma

Discord ID: 532989632112099353

2019-01-10 18:01:44 UTC  


2019-01-10 18:01:46 UTC  

it's so good

2019-01-10 18:01:49 UTC  

Train to Busan is a badass movie

2019-01-10 18:02:01 UTC  

I Saw the Devil was the darkest movie i've ever seen

2019-01-10 18:02:07 UTC  

Or tried to watch

2019-01-10 18:02:29 UTC  

I might have Seen Train to Busan, I can't remember what that was about

2019-01-10 18:02:38 UTC  

Zombie movie

2019-01-10 18:02:45 UTC  

Oldboy is a classic

2019-01-10 18:03:15 UTC  

That's why, I'm not a fan of zombie movies..too cliche and corny for me

2019-01-10 18:03:28 UTC  

The cover looked good tho

2019-01-10 18:03:37 UTC  

but it was a zombie movie, so I passed

2019-01-10 18:19:08 UTC  

Train to busan is a great sort of parody

2019-01-10 18:20:01 UTC  

I was surprised at how well done the effects were, considering their budget is probably only slightly better than Japan's and Japan's CGI looks like a crushed bag of baby dicks

2019-01-10 18:20:37 UTC  

It was very cleverly filmed, parody but not stupid looking

2019-01-10 18:22:09 UTC  

@Sigma I ve seen worse than I saw the Devil, try Martyrs (if you can make it to the end)

2019-01-10 18:23:10 UTC  

and there s the french cannibal movie too, cant remember the name, atrocious (but brilliant)

2019-01-10 18:23:55 UTC  


2019-01-10 18:27:34 UTC  

I don't know, I couldn't even finish I Saw the Devil, anything worse may fuck me up

2019-01-10 18:27:45 UTC  

Black Mirror even got me fucked up a little bit

2019-01-10 18:27:57 UTC  

oh gawd, ok so no dont go down that road, these are the movies that WILL keep you up at night

2019-01-10 18:30:30 UTC  

Movies like that remind me that I'm only human and I'm subject to committing evil just like everyone else is. Jordan Peterson touches on the subject of how anybody is capable of doing evil

2019-01-10 18:30:55 UTC  

For me it's more of that can happen to me if I go down the wrong alley

2019-01-10 18:30:59 UTC  

his book is absoluetly fantastic if you ask me, it changed my life

2019-01-10 18:31:23 UTC  

That too, going down the wrong ally, hanging out with the wrong people

2019-01-10 18:31:39 UTC  

I tend to get influenced easy, which is not so good

2019-01-10 18:32:26 UTC  

If you ever read dark psychology, it's scary, but eye opening

2019-01-10 18:32:50 UTC  

Those books will teach you how to do gaslighting and other manipulation tactics

2019-01-10 18:33:24 UTC  

and I guarantee you that it's been used on every one of us in some way...not just gaslighting, but many others we may be unaware of

2019-01-10 18:33:50 UTC  

without them even really knowing what they re doing either 😃

2019-01-10 18:34:19 UTC  

yup, it's like knowing the 48s laws of power, applying them

2019-01-10 18:34:32 UTC  

but dark psychology goes way deeper

2019-01-10 18:34:33 UTC  

and forgetting all about it appart from the usage

2019-01-10 18:34:49 UTC  

humans are scary like that

2019-01-10 18:34:53 UTC  

Yea, I've used some Laws without knowing i'm doing it

2019-01-10 18:35:07 UTC  

Think as you wish, but behave like everyone else

2019-01-10 18:35:18 UTC  

Law 4 i think, but that was natural for me

2019-01-10 18:36:07 UTC  

Scarcity increases value

2019-01-10 18:36:22 UTC  

So be absent a little bit

2019-01-10 18:36:32 UTC  

when people need you and you're not around, they value you more

2019-01-10 18:38:25 UTC  

Policemen tend to specialize in that one. People hate on the Police, but the moment you really need them it's already too late and you go one the other side of the spectrum

2019-01-10 18:38:40 UTC  

my game is about to start bruh so I won't be answering for a while