Message from @NuckFigures
Discord ID: 337751518239391755
@Mayor of Fashtown there is 3 seasons within a hunt season
informal which is polo and pants or whatever and helmet
I made my own wine out of the wild North American grapes here two years ago
Didn't turn out half bad.
ratcatcher which is like tweed coat and button down etc
formal is red coats or black coats if you dont have colors
I like to imagine you with an old fashioned british or swiss shooting jacket
I do have a dank tweed collection
Mein hero
I want to scream racial slurs with a .375 H&H rifle in hand on horseback
the question is when will u go elephant hunting with Hemmingway
the answer is never FeelsBadMan
fuck that, i want to go nigger hunting with hemmingway
honestly i just wanted my based black colonial serf to guide me through the jungle
if one of these buisness deals go through I am hunting the dangerous 5 in africa
i am not mean to staff at our farm since they are all huwite and I like them
Bro u gotta send pics if u slay some beasts of the jungle
I shot a grey wildeebeast
Huffpo has been projecting racism onto animals for years
@Vanguard has single shot trap door or 3 round bolt action?
Coat for formal hunt
I used a bolt gun
other part of season I use tweed, camel hair and other blazers and sport coats
i see feet
White feet 🤔
do you have a Drilling
never even shot a real gun 🙁
@Moosey make the first thing you shoot a black
honestly the first thing i shoot will probably be my neighbor's hunting rifle
idk what it is tho its just loud
one cal for every occasion
zebras are white with black stripes tbh
Sif afreka