Message from @Eris
Discord ID: 490335381523529748
did you draw this
there was an asian woman who came into my school today and she said y'all and had a texan accent
is this witch chan's gf
Can you remove the default pack once you move the new one into the selected resource packs section?
Make the one you want to use the only one in there
is that a thing
it only does this when i use optifine
when i dont it works fine
i had to make it smol for the filesize limit
use dummy
hosting site
no ads, no wait times, direct download
limited to 100mb tho
anyway you can see everything that matters
@rabbi weebmarck halp
i can't really lol
i can't read anything from that
what do you need to read
the mods you're using?
it may not be compatible with your mc version or whatever, i never tried mod packs
it's just resource packs
>download links that require you to turn off adblocker
i just said they have no ads
or maybe you mean smth else
yeah seems like optifine is still not updated for MC 1.13
that may be your problem
i shill mixtape cause i know the owner