Message from @Renew

Discord ID: 500936641662156800

2018-10-14 06:55:03 UTC  

also i still need to reach exalted with argussian

2018-10-14 06:55:15 UTC  

and reach 110 on an ally to unlock void elf

2018-10-14 07:02:02 UTC  

ooohhh lol

2018-10-14 07:02:17 UTC  

110 ally is easy

2018-10-14 07:02:20 UTC  

make a demon hunter

2018-10-14 07:22:26 UTC  

@Anti Corona Virus Suit Ragathor you cant make a nelf demon hunter unless you have a 110 ally DUMMYHEAD

2018-10-14 07:27:05 UTC  

I made an effortpost

2018-10-14 07:30:00 UTC  

iirc theres 3 major ethics being virtue, utilitarian and deontologist but ethics is big gay and i dont read up too much on this

2018-10-14 07:31:37 UTC  

i'm not familiar with deontology

2018-10-14 07:31:56 UTC  


2018-10-14 07:31:58 UTC  

yes i am

2018-10-14 07:32:09 UTC  

rule based ethics

2018-10-14 07:32:12 UTC  


2018-10-14 07:32:17 UTC  

i.e. "the age of consent is 14 so it's ok!"

2018-10-14 07:32:21 UTC  

good/bad because DA RULES

2018-10-14 07:32:29 UTC  

this is not worth considering or mentioning by any reasonable human being

2018-10-14 07:34:45 UTC  

i think some people like it because it fixes some various ethic questions when it comes to deciding whether a decision is good/bad but again ethics is big gay

2018-10-14 07:34:55 UTC  

ethics is everything

2018-10-14 07:35:13 UTC  

i pretty much dont care about anything else

2018-10-14 07:43:22 UTC  

also the thing about utilitarians reducing suffering on prisoners isnt really on the mark imo. For the most part countries are reducing their suffering not due to some utilitarian ideas but more due to more people considering prison as not punishment but as reform. A utilitarian if possible would put all the harshest punishments on to one prisoner as an example for deterrent if it meant everyone else was "good" (happy) as a way to minimize total suffering. (from what i think)

2018-10-14 07:47:15 UTC  

after all one of the big memes on utilitarians is that if someone kicks dust in to enough people's eyes its worth the death penalty for him

2018-10-14 07:47:35 UTC

2018-10-14 07:48:23 UTC  


2018-10-14 07:48:27 UTC  

the reform model is utilitarian

2018-10-14 07:48:49 UTC  

they see "punishment" and law in general as a consequentialist control scheme

2018-10-14 07:49:08 UTC  

we put you in prison to contain you so you can't hurt others, and then try to reform you to reduce your suffering and the suffering you inflict

2018-10-14 07:49:22 UTC  

the justice model sees neither of these as important or valid

2018-10-14 07:49:26 UTC  

you did something wrong

2018-10-14 07:49:31 UTC  

so something bad should happen to you

2018-10-14 07:49:33 UTC  

end of rationale

2018-10-14 07:49:44 UTC  

the justice model is not consequentialist

2018-10-14 07:49:54 UTC  

it doesn't punish people because society is better if you do

2018-10-14 07:49:59 UTC  

or for any consequence at all

2018-10-14 07:50:03 UTC  

it does so because it's just

2018-10-14 07:52:41 UTC  

guess we are going to have to agree to disagree on this one then because i dont really see reform model as necessarily utilitarian because i think its possible that you could argue it from virtue ethics also

2018-10-14 07:53:12 UTC  

any consequentialist position is working under the utilitarian model

2018-10-14 07:53:26 UTC  


2018-10-14 07:53:34 UTC  

reform is a consequentialist position

2018-10-14 07:53:54 UTC  

it is modeled as an input->action->output

2018-10-14 07:54:10 UTC  

the criminal is not the way we want him to be