Message from @J.P.

Discord ID: 588850757181374464

2019-06-13 20:54:11 UTC  

Make that boy work at the steel mill

2019-06-13 20:54:29 UTC  

Kot is a good girl though

2019-06-13 20:55:08 UTC

2019-06-13 20:55:11 UTC  


2019-06-13 20:55:12 UTC  


2019-06-13 20:58:07 UTC  

Yes that me

2019-06-13 20:58:09 UTC  


2019-06-13 21:02:13 UTC  


2019-06-13 21:03:32 UTC  

>trans representation

2019-06-13 21:03:34 UTC  

>sexualization bad

2019-06-13 21:03:36 UTC  

dont be like dis

2019-06-13 21:09:51 UTC  

Kot a good girl

2019-06-13 21:17:56 UTC  
2019-06-13 21:22:10 UTC  

kot a retarr

2019-06-13 21:22:12 UTC  


2019-06-13 21:33:29 UTC  

Who's going to be losing their foreskin today?

2019-06-13 21:46:43 UTC  

kotchan plz fam im having a bad day and reading that you're subscribing to these paper bag weak takes is making me even sadder

2019-06-13 21:54:39 UTC  

Ooh sorry to hear you're not doing so good :c

2019-06-13 21:54:47 UTC  

But it's a bit of a personal opinion

2019-06-13 22:02:40 UTC  

``` how they use sexualization for trans representation ```

you've seen like 0.000000000000001% of the game

you have absolutely no idea what the game will be like...nobody but CDPR know until next year

in the cyberpunk 2020 roleplaying game's lore that this video game is based the over sexualization and rampant exploitative capitalism using sex to sell (much like an exaggerated version of todays world) is canon.

are we not allowed to explore such things in works of fiction for the fear of upsetting people?

2019-06-13 22:04:05 UTC  

The dude behind that particular thing in the game was trying to make a statement about how corporations seek to make profit out of every group of people they can exploit or something

2019-06-13 22:04:27 UTC  

So it goes with the theme

2019-06-13 22:05:20 UTC  

yes exactly what I'm saying...i'm sure that given the body mod cyberpunk focus of the video game there will be lots of other trans stuff in there thats less sexualized

2019-06-13 22:05:38 UTC  

I hope so yeah

2019-06-13 22:07:31 UTC  

but my point is....even if it was sexualized it doesnt matter...its fiction.

if someone was perhaps doing this with something set in our universe in modern current day it might be a bit questionable...but this is a fictional cyberpunk world and they have carte blanche to do whatever they see fit

any fiction author is within their reasonable rights to do anything they want

2019-06-13 22:09:02 UTC  

and just as with any media people are welcome to critique it and say that it sucks

but that isnt what they want to do....they dont just want to say this is bad it sucks

they want to change works of fiction because it upset them and accuse people of being transphobic and even get them fired because they have taken offense to it

2019-06-13 22:09:40 UTC  

Yeah but if you're gonna use a specific group of ppl for you work and you form of representing them is just by sexualization then I'm not really ok with that

2019-06-13 22:09:58 UTC  

then don't buy the game

2019-06-13 22:10:44 UTC  

I wanna play the game it would just upset me if this was the only form of trans representation in a cyberpunk themed game

2019-06-13 22:10:59 UTC  

who tf cares about faggot rep

2019-06-13 22:11:09 UTC  

the game is about shooting and shit

2019-06-13 22:11:17 UTC  

literally what the fuck do you care

2019-06-13 22:11:28 UTC  

It's a dystopian setting. Why would anyone be portrayed positively?

2019-06-13 22:11:28 UTC  

it's not a dystopian tbh

2019-06-13 22:11:42 UTC  

also ^@spence

2019-06-13 22:11:44 UTC  

"sure it's an action game, but what about my fetish"

2019-06-13 22:11:54 UTC  

Ah yes the cyberpunk themed game that addresses multiple social issues is just funny pew pew game

2019-06-13 22:12:00 UTC  

kot people arent getting their opinions of trans people from cyberpunk video game uwu bulge posters

2019-06-13 22:12:21 UTC  

Kot you're acting retarded

2019-06-13 22:12:26 UTC  

shut the fuck up