Message from @angelofdeth

Discord ID: 548154725757878279

2019-02-21 14:48:59 UTC


2019-02-21 14:49:04 UTC


2019-02-21 14:49:06 UTC

Wym not you

2019-02-21 14:49:16 UTC

Nigga you braindead

2019-02-21 14:49:20 UTC


2019-02-21 14:49:30 UTC

2019-02-21 14:49:33 UTC

Rate my boy

2019-02-21 14:49:39 UTC

He my homie

2019-02-21 14:49:47 UTC


2019-02-21 14:49:50 UTC

10/10 retarded

2019-02-21 14:49:57 UTC

He’s a disgrace to our nation

2019-02-21 14:50:06 UTC

10/10 inbred fuck

2019-02-21 14:50:22 UTC

"Ok now I'll shut up she's taken" says the boy with an apparent gf

2019-02-21 14:50:24 UTC


2019-02-21 14:50:31 UTC


2019-02-21 14:50:35 UTC

2019-02-21 14:50:39 UTC

What about him

2019-02-21 14:50:45 UTC

He likes sminem

2019-02-21 14:50:54 UTC

Same dude but he looks updated

2019-02-21 14:51:02 UTC

Been taking medication?

2019-02-21 14:51:10 UTC

Oblivion character

2019-02-21 14:51:15 UTC

<:kek:530821098720460822> <:kek:530821098720460822>

2019-02-21 14:51:34 UTC

Yee he does look like that one elf

2019-02-21 14:52:07 UTC

I just realized they're the same person

2019-02-21 14:52:23 UTC

Okay now a pic of me in a bikini 😂

2019-02-21 14:52:59 UTC

Are you trying to edate?

2019-02-21 14:52:59 UTC

2019-02-21 14:52:59 UTC

GG @BmaR™, you just advanced to level 4!

2019-02-21 14:53:05 UTC

Egirl af

2019-02-21 14:53:08 UTC

@BmaR™ 😳 😳 😳

2019-02-21 14:53:13 UTC


2019-02-21 14:53:28 UTC


2019-02-21 14:53:42 UTC


2019-02-21 14:53:56 UTC

When you cuddling and you get a boner

2019-02-21 14:53:57 UTC

No even hard

2019-02-21 14:54:04 UTC

Still floppy

2019-02-21 14:54:10 UTC


2019-02-21 14:54:12 UTC


2019-02-21 14:54:25 UTC

You gotta flex on us

2019-02-21 14:54:42 UTC


2019-02-21 14:54:48 UTC
