Message from @Sq crcl

Discord ID: 684011984458481677

2020-03-02 11:35:47 UTC  
2020-03-02 11:36:06 UTC  

Which it will

2020-03-02 11:37:49 UTC  

It's just prepping the public

2020-03-02 11:45:24 UTC  


2020-03-02 11:45:35 UTC  


2020-03-02 11:45:51 UTC  

How's it possible?

2020-03-02 11:46:01 UTC  

Cases dropping?

2020-03-02 11:46:05 UTC  


Very unexpected, not from a propaganda standpoint but by the trends we've been seeing. Dunno what to make of it.

2020-03-02 11:49:52 UTC  

everyone is dead?

2020-03-02 11:50:58 UTC  

more likely they are closing that hospital, because it is desintegrating

2020-03-02 11:52:29 UTC  

having a hospital collapse on top of patients (which are not important) and healthy doctors (which are becomming important) would make them loose a lot of face, since they used that hospital as a centerpiece in their propoganda

2020-03-02 11:56:41 UTC  

if they die from the hospital falling on top of them they don't count as cronavirus deaths
Xi knows how to get those numbers down

2020-03-02 11:59:54 UTC  

the hospital was a PR move, when CCP believing that this will just blow over quickly - right now it has turned into a liability

2020-03-02 12:01:14 UTC  

and, I think it was intended as quarantine ward ... and if one thing we can be sure is that quarantine in Wuhan was broken almost immediately

2020-03-02 12:05:59 UTC

2020-03-02 12:18:27 UTC

2020-03-02 12:19:25 UTC  

Tl;dr is akin to 👇

2020-03-02 12:20:30 UTC  

According to the most up-to-date **handpicked** data

Iran has 5%
Italy 2%

Mortality rates, now.. When testing isn't sufficient and the 'recovered' are just waiting for the relapse.

2020-03-02 12:22:18 UTC  

> Turkish tv channel advises migrants about the best way to travel to Europe

2020-03-02 12:22:37 UTC

2020-03-02 12:26:50 UTC  

```Today's Tagesspiegel reports - in perfect timing for the first positive SARS-CoV-2 case in Berlin - about the total overwhelming: Even before the first case occurred, nothing was going right in Berlin.

Nothing is prepared there, nothing works there, not even the responsibilities have been clarified. Back and forth and test refused, although the suspect is an EMT. A 4-8 hour test then took two days.

The laboratory can't keep up, they're just 400 tests behind. Before the first real case.

One took four days. Others report that they cannot get through the hotline number.

2020-03-02 12:29:18 UTC  

"The first section of the new paper focuses on how long coronaviruses can survive on inanimate surfaces, such as tables and door handles. The authors show that, depending on the material and the conditions, human coronaviruses can remain infectious from 2 hours to 9 days.

At temperatures of around 4°C or 39.2oF, certain versions of the coronavirus could remain viable for up to 28 days. At temperatures of 30–40°C (86–104°F), coronaviruses tended to persist for a shorter time.

At room temperature, a coronavirus responsible for the common cold (HCoV-229E) persisted significantly longer in 50% humidity than 30% humidity."```

*"..human coronaviruses can remain infectious from **2 hours to 9 days**."*

2020-03-02 12:31:39 UTC  

> Massive tensions in #Greece after Turkey decided to start transporting its migrant reserves to the Greek border
> Today, locals on the island of #Lesbos burned down a UNHCR (United Nations) migrant reception center, to stop more migrants from disembarking
> #GreeceUnderAttack

2020-03-02 12:31:42 UTC  

The fire rises

2020-03-02 12:33:02 UTC  

Hard to blame Turkey for putting the pressure on really. They have something like 3.5 million Syrians after 9 years of war

2020-03-02 12:33:18 UTC  

@Monstrous Moonshine
This isn't looking good, to me it seems it is not going to go down well with the Greeks.

2020-03-02 12:35:14 UTC  

TFW Lesbos is the new Sparta

2020-03-02 12:36:40 UTC  

Lesbos as Sparta has me thinking about the Southpark where Garrison is a trans-lesbian fighting the Persians....

2020-03-02 12:49:57 UTC  

@Captain Conundrum
it was obviously a political decision to take them in, Turkey always knew they can use them later if needed and weak EU will have little to say about it
also they know that many of them aren't refugees and are perfect to be infiltrated into EU to weaken it further

2020-03-02 13:13:36 UTC  

Indonesia’s definitely had previous unreported cases