Message from @ARockRaider

Discord ID: 665164303275524115

2020-01-10 11:32:47 UTC  

Not for political discourse at least

2020-01-10 11:34:24 UTC  

that is one of the other things i had heard about Vietnam, the leaders didn't have the drive to Win that war proper.
but I havn't done any real digging into it.

2020-01-10 11:36:45 UTC  

It came down to all the hippies telling people that we were bullying Vietnam. Ignoring the existence of the Vietcong and the fact that they were killing allot more Vietnamese than we were

2020-01-10 11:37:06 UTC  

so, nothing really new huh?

2020-01-10 11:37:20 UTC  

the people who don't have to go to war don't understand what war is really about.

2020-01-10 11:37:49 UTC  

Not unless they bother reading

2020-01-10 11:38:29 UTC  

We really need a better focus on history in education

2020-01-10 11:39:42 UTC  

I would agree if i trusted "we" to teach something so complex, or trust that the kids would be interested when "we" try to shove it on to them.

2020-01-10 11:42:11 UTC  

I just mean no more of this barely covering any information about past wars. Kids are just getting taught "these were the bad guys, they lost" no information on the political climate prior to war or why wars are fought in general

2020-01-10 11:42:34 UTC  

Y'know, basic stuff

2020-01-10 11:42:41 UTC  

yah that's a big problem, people going into all of this like we are the bad guys.

2020-01-10 11:43:06 UTC  

Because power=oppression

2020-01-10 11:43:06 UTC  

sure, we haven't always been fully in the right, but we were NOT the bad guys in anything.

2020-01-10 11:52:48 UTC  

By far the greatest and the most advances in epistemology, especially towards the scientific method, were made after the church lost its monopoly on it and it entered the hands of the citizen, allowing for the industrial revolution. Then it turned into academia.
However, since then academia has been corrupted by false authorities, and now we need another revolution against that new monopoly.
My point being that, until that step has been made, we won't have history be taught properly on a large scale. The monopoly on research needs to fall and be returned to the citizens.

2020-01-10 11:53:32 UTC  

I feel like I totally agree with that ETBrooD.

2020-01-10 11:54:09 UTC  


2020-01-10 11:57:14 UTC  

seems like the more trust put into large institutions the worse they become, i'm not even sure if i know of an exception.

2020-01-10 12:01:52 UTC  

I agree, all science requires maximum scrutiny. There are only two reasons why we're not entering a dark age of information, 1) because the monopoly of academia is not (yet) entirely united, 2) the internet. But the more one side (in this case progressives) take over academia, the more monopolistic it gets. So for now we have to try to main freedom within the internet, but to really get things going we also need to reduce the public education sector.

2020-01-10 12:02:26 UTC  

I think the internet could suffice to get both things done. We'll see.

2020-01-10 12:05:05 UTC  

when I was learning I was homeschooled, for part of that mom used a system that put us kids in a sort of cubeical with a work book that we could do as much of as we wanted, with a minimum goal over a certain term.

2020-01-10 12:05:28 UTC  

I feel like it worked really well for me and schools would do well to make things like that more of an option.

2020-01-10 12:05:58 UTC  

not to mention that a blew through the science workbooks until they just became more math.

2020-01-10 12:07:23 UTC  

The issue is that they believe people's general knowledge can be trained over the course of many years so as to improve their lives significantly, and this is why they argue that all children should receive the same "basic" (lol, more like bloated) level of education, and that of course must be granted by tax money.

2020-01-10 12:07:58 UTC  

In reality, this steals years from children's lives and does little to nothing to prepare them for life. But that's irrelevant so long as they can fill their pockets with tax money.

2020-01-10 12:08:30 UTC  

yah, the basics that I think a person NEEDS is an understanding of simple writeing and reading, being able to talk and understand others, the basics of how math works.

2020-01-10 12:08:50 UTC  

that's all that a person NEEDS in our world and they would still be better off then in most of history.

2020-01-10 12:08:58 UTC  

More or less yep

2020-01-10 12:09:06 UTC  

form there when ever they ask "how does this work" you tell them how it really works.

2020-01-10 12:09:18 UTC  

I estimate that the total of "basic" education should take no more than 4 years.

2020-01-10 12:09:32 UTC  

At worst 6.

2020-01-10 12:10:05 UTC  

Instead it's 12 minimum, which is twice as much as the absolute maximum that I would propose.

2020-01-10 12:10:06 UTC  

totally agree, the only thing that really upsets me about my upbringing was that I had to wait till 16 until I was able to start makeing my own liveing.

2020-01-10 12:10:26 UTC  


2020-01-10 12:10:31 UTC  

I was allowed to work at the age of 14.

2020-01-10 12:10:35 UTC  

For my own money

2020-01-10 12:10:39 UTC  

that's when i could get a car.

2020-01-10 12:11:15 UTC  

other then that i was just stuck at home, would have done well to have been getting out and working for people other then my dad sooner.

2020-01-10 12:11:24 UTC  

Yep, fully agree

2020-01-10 12:11:32 UTC  

Is that US law, or do you live somewhere else?

2020-01-10 12:11:45 UTC  

US law made it so i couldn't drive till then.

2020-01-10 12:12:03 UTC  

Oh you mean because you had to drive to get some proper work?