Message from @UnScottable

Discord ID: 650556966036570121

2019-12-01 01:32:59 UTC  

and looking at things like class is important in understanding how a society develops

2019-12-01 01:33:05 UTC  

if we're to look at capitalists for example

2019-12-01 01:33:15 UTC  

certainly individual capitalists are individuals with different interests and such

2019-12-01 01:33:54 UTC  

however they are all united by the fact that their position is predicated on being able to turn a profit

2019-12-01 01:34:42 UTC  

and insofar as they exercise power collectively the particular tastes of the individuals who comprise the group will tend to have far less bearing on how they do so than the interest that unites them by virtue of being part of that group

2019-12-01 01:36:06 UTC  

his wiki page apparently think he's a 'classical liberal'

2019-12-01 02:42:00 UTC  

California aka land was f hippo cryps and hypocrites

2019-12-01 03:47:04 UTC  


2019-12-01 04:23:49 UTC  

Hey I'm pretty new to the server, what's been on the discussion table already?

2019-12-01 04:26:55 UTC  

I find it hilarious how people keep attacking you for being race-obsessed @UnScottable
But those same people wouldn't want to live in London or Malmö.

2019-12-01 04:32:44 UTC  

if you took a bunch of white people from west virginia and put them somewhere i wouldn't want to live there

2019-12-01 04:36:13 UTC  


2019-12-01 04:38:19 UTC  

@Machinimal chances are you dont know anyone from west virginia. also need i mention that roughly 7% of the population commits over 50% of all violent crimes <:trumpepe:588019356215279642>

2019-12-01 04:38:42 UTC  

it's even less than 7

2019-12-01 04:38:48 UTC  

i was being generous

2019-12-01 04:38:57 UTC  

also i've been to WV many times

2019-12-01 04:39:07 UTC  

it's a shithole

2019-12-01 04:39:20 UTC  

there's even people around where I live I'd rather not live near

2019-12-01 04:40:33 UTC  

wellll yk theres always some bad bunches of people. some groups just have a larger proportion of bad bunches when comparing them to population size

2019-12-01 04:40:50 UTC  

but certainly the problem in London and Malmo is *where* the people are from

2019-12-01 04:41:07 UTC  

yes, the culture they bring. the refusal to integrate

2019-12-01 04:42:02 UTC  

plus the lack of enforcement

2019-12-01 04:42:10 UTC  

and the tolerance of bad behavior

2019-12-01 04:42:33 UTC  

not to mention we let drugs like meth and heroin

2019-12-01 04:42:41 UTC  

pour in from mexico and china

2019-12-01 04:43:00 UTC  

these peoples jobs are outsourced to china due to the cheaper labor

2019-12-01 04:43:05 UTC  

they then get hooked on opiates...

2019-12-01 04:43:26 UTC  

there's cartel towns in weird spots too now

2019-12-01 04:43:37 UTC  

in the enclaves that these people set up

2019-12-01 04:43:44 UTC  

not even just on the border

2019-12-01 04:43:51 UTC  


2019-12-01 05:24:43 UTC  

Oh it's just friendly uncle Joe, he's harmless kids, go rub his leg

2019-12-01 05:44:27 UTC  

@Jokerfaic First, Classical liberal is a 'Right' aligned position, not socialist or communist, nor authoritative; the focus is on individual rights, and limited government. Second... internment camps are not of the left? Nazis, Russia, and China (even today), are all of the Left. In the US Camps have been used with the treatment of Native Americans, the Japanese during WWII, and though not true internment camps there are the facilities we use today for Illegals, developed by Obama. Democrat policies, all.

2019-12-01 05:44:36 UTC  

@Death in June I would say you are conflating capitalism with corporatism, though interpreting your phrases is muddied by the lack of punctuation. Perhaps you mean Greed, given the negative connotation as evident with the phrase of "turn a profit", which is misleading. Capitalism operates for profit, the accumulation of wealth, which can be services or goods and property, not just monetary gains. Greed has been present in all people, not just Capitalists or even Corporatists, since the beginning of Man. Furthermore, Capitalism is predicated on voluntary exchange, not $. I could go on at length about the innate flaws in your argument but its late so just reread the article without your bias. Lastly, on the middle class:

2019-12-01 05:46:57 UTC  

FreedomToons, good stuff they put out. John Doyle is also very good at explaining things.

2019-12-01 05:55:31 UTC  

when did I call classical liberalism communist?

2019-12-01 05:55:38 UTC  

can someone point that one out to me?