Message from @Cody

Discord ID: 651868376561483805

2019-12-04 19:25:58 UTC  

that's not a wall, its a stone fucking picket fence

2019-12-04 19:26:05 UTC  

It works for the most part

2019-12-04 19:26:13 UTC  

of all the fucking worthless horseshit

2019-12-04 19:26:20 UTC  


2019-12-04 19:26:46 UTC  

I was fucking patient, I laid out very clearly that "ok, I don't think it'll work but lets see what they come up with"

2019-12-04 19:26:53 UTC  

If my country had that wall in the desolate areas I'd be celebrating

2019-12-04 19:26:57 UTC  

and they pick BARS

2019-12-04 19:27:55 UTC  

Maybe if you had said it can be improved I'd agree with you, but you're acting like it's worthless

2019-12-04 19:28:18 UTC  

well its already up and installed, the fuck can improve it now?

2019-12-04 19:28:41 UTC  

if you try and bolt shit on that'll just compromise the integrity of the base structure as well as the addition

2019-12-04 19:28:48 UTC  

Yeah how can something that has been built be improved, I wonder

2019-12-04 19:29:31 UTC  

video's shit res so I can't even tell if that's steel or just reinforced concrete

2019-12-04 19:29:39 UTC  

If the pro migrant folk cared about migrants, you'd think they'd be for things that deter migrants from making the dangerous trip

2019-12-04 19:29:50 UTC  

such as a wall and enforcement of laws

2019-12-04 19:30:00 UTC  

enforcement of laws would be nice

2019-12-04 19:30:25 UTC  


2019-12-04 19:30:32 UTC  

wall is llaw

2019-12-04 19:30:36 UTC  

you're welcome

2019-12-04 19:30:49 UTC  

>Leftists in favor of open borders
>Won't take anyone into their homes
>Surprised pikachu face

2019-12-04 19:31:52 UTC  

leftists take the easy route of moral posturing & idealism

2019-12-04 19:32:12 UTC  

"Oh how good I am, supporting the poor brown folk"

2019-12-04 19:33:24 UTC  

>Leftists in favor of helping the poor
>Are poor
>Surprised pikachu face

2019-12-04 19:35:42 UTC  

you forget, only well-off middle class neets can afford to be leftists

2019-12-04 19:36:09 UTC  

Maybe idk

2019-12-04 19:36:40 UTC  

Would be interesting to see the class spread of socialists/capitalists among the voting demographic

2019-12-04 19:37:08 UTC  

I get the feeling the lower rungs of that ladder don't have much faith in either

2019-12-04 19:37:58 UTC  

I'd suspect people from broken homes are particularly strong on socialism

2019-12-04 19:39:15 UTC  

Might be my personal bias but it seems logical that for example kids from single mother homes are more likely to ask for help because they haven't learned from their dad to stand on their own feet

2019-12-04 19:40:12 UTC  

well having an intact family myself and having experienced a period without a home to our name, I can tell you different

2019-12-04 19:41:12 UTC  

it has very little to do with 'asking for help'

2019-12-04 19:41:14 UTC  

Yeah maybe Aydin Paladin has something about that on her channel

2019-12-04 19:43:10 UTC  

it wasn't socialism that kept my dad out of work in the industry he was skilled in while west-indians and other euros filled office cubicles

2019-12-04 19:44:32 UTC  

the current variations of socialism and capitalism in this country are both insufficient for the unaccountably impoverished and/or homeless

2019-12-04 19:45:14 UTC  

I say unaccountably to delineate from those suffering the foreseen consequences of their actions or lack thereof

2019-12-04 19:45:42 UTC  

I don't believe in people being unaccountable for their poverty in the US

2019-12-04 19:46:10 UTC  

It may happen in extremely fringe cases, like getting hit by lightning or by a train

2019-12-04 19:46:17 UTC  

then you just don't believe in the 2008 housing crash

2019-12-04 19:46:38 UTC  

No, I don't believe that ignorance makes innocent

2019-12-04 19:48:13 UTC  

so banks gamble away their holders' money, create a giant system of artificial value around subprime mortgages, and its the clients' fault?

2019-12-04 19:48:27 UTC  


2019-12-04 19:48:38 UTC  

No, I'm not saying the fault lies exclusively with one party