Message from @Aldomuz

Discord ID: 652901598099669059

2019-12-07 15:44:29 UTC  

Most of us voted Trump

2019-12-07 15:44:33 UTC  

Don't forget the other key aspects of those European Countries: Populations and Homogeny

2019-12-07 15:44:43 UTC  

We are raised that way. Capitalism has some downsides.

2019-12-07 15:45:21 UTC  

Alright lemme rephrase that, most that are in favor of socialism are stupid and selfish

2019-12-07 15:45:40 UTC  

Much more accurate

2019-12-07 15:45:47 UTC  

Well yeah, they want to take other people's stuff.

2019-12-07 15:46:25 UTC  

Like this Warren horseshit about taxing someone's assets

2019-12-07 15:46:33 UTC  

I used to not like Trump, though as seeing the literal effects he's been causing to the establishment I'm in favor of him despite how crude he can be

2019-12-07 15:46:49 UTC  

Socialism in a nutshell
"I want that, this is mine now"

2019-12-07 15:46:54 UTC  


2019-12-07 15:46:58 UTC  

Why not kick in their front door and start taking stuff

2019-12-07 15:47:08 UTC  

It'd be more honest

2019-12-07 15:47:29 UTC  

Cause they run giant corps that bank off their image

2019-12-07 15:47:35 UTC  

@randomNPCno3. It leads to that, yes.

2019-12-07 15:47:44 UTC  

So they need to look good while being corrupt shitholes

2019-12-07 15:49:56 UTC  

A socialist health Care system like Bernie envisions it is that no one is favored. If you are waiting in line for a heart operation, you stay in line. No fair going to a private surgeon and saving your life. THATS what socialism is about, not really just about free shit. Free shit is the lure.

2019-12-07 15:51:43 UTC  

A system that'll also bankrupt the country not the mention

2019-12-07 15:57:00 UTC  

right @Aldomuz warren is flat out lying about how she can fund her medicare for all program. She says she'll tax the billionaires and corporations only. Horseshit. Her plan will cast at least 5 trillion a year. the combined wealth of all USA billionaires is 3.6 trillion. Even if she seized every asset they had she couldn't fund her plan for a year (plus, millions would not have jobs that those billionaires provide). Her plan to tax the fuck out of corporations is stupid because they'll just add in those taxes as COST and all products and services will go up in price.

2019-12-07 15:57:36 UTC  

i want to see her get the nomination because Trump will hand her ass to her with some basic math and a few charts.

2019-12-07 15:57:51 UTC  

She dropped out of the race due to a lack of funding, wonder why that was *hmmmm*

2019-12-07 15:58:09 UTC  

The wealthy will flee the US, the corporations will raise all of their prices in lockstep

2019-12-07 16:00:10 UTC  

That dumbass AOC said she could fund her New Green Deal just by printing the money. That's more money than exists on the entire planet, all economies combined. It would take a wheelbarrow of money to buy a loaf of bread after she printed that money.

2019-12-07 16:01:03 UTC  

"just print money" sums up the average socialists understanding of economics just fine

2019-12-07 16:01:48 UTC  

Being that they don't have one

2019-12-07 16:02:19 UTC  

what blew me away is not one person in the audience yelled "venezuela, that's how you get venezuela!"

2019-12-07 16:02:43 UTC  

what a wasted of an economics diploma and tuition

2019-12-07 16:02:48 UTC  

In addition, for as much shit Trump gets by the media on a daily basis, he's been removing costly and outdated policies. While also fighting/implementing policies that actually help the working class and middleclass (two classes that are a necessity to a society's functionality). And on the opposite spectrum you got elitist in politics that promise this and that to people, but never follow through. Even if they do, they create policies that harm those they advocate for. In turn creating more discourse and dicking over the shrinking middle class as they slip into poverty from their policies!

2019-12-07 16:03:30 UTC  

yeah, nothing is more expensive than free government stuff

2019-12-07 16:04:18 UTC  

And then the elites and NPC's scratch their heads wondering why Trump is popular

2019-12-07 16:04:32 UTC  

I don't wonder that

2019-12-07 16:04:32 UTC  

if the general public realized that all their tweeting on $1,400 iphones would have been impossible in a socialist system, theyde like it less

2019-12-07 16:04:58 UTC  

everyone would be texting on a flip phone, no smartphones.

2019-12-07 16:05:19 UTC  


2019-12-07 16:05:32 UTC  

i don't know that we'd have gotten flip phones, tbf

2019-12-07 16:05:36 UTC  

Twitter != reality

2019-12-07 16:05:53 UTC  

Nah, the government would want them mindless and subservient. They'd keep the iPhones but advancement would stop

2019-12-07 16:06:13 UTC  

No new models

2019-12-07 16:06:13 UTC  

~~ironically enough with the new foldable phone screens coming out, we are reverting back to flip phones x)~~

2019-12-07 16:06:15 UTC  

imagine having to text by pressing differnt keys a different number of times still

2019-12-07 16:06:46 UTC  

The horror