Message from @SuperHeroDeluxe

Discord ID: 653321471711641620

2019-12-08 19:10:11 UTC  

not a single cent of US revenue went to Iran

2019-12-08 19:10:31 UTC  


2019-12-08 19:10:32 UTC  


2019-12-08 19:10:37 UTC  

i mean hes black so..

2019-12-08 19:10:42 UTC  


2019-12-08 19:10:46 UTC  

nah im just kidding

2019-12-08 19:11:15 UTC  

well there wasn't any birther horseshit over John "military bases are totally soverign soil no really " McCain, so

2019-12-08 19:11:53 UTC  

that being said I don't believe the Republican party as an organization is racially bigotted

2019-12-08 19:12:04 UTC  

they're just supremely inept at not looking like it

2019-12-08 19:12:46 UTC  

yea i know i was messing around <:pepelaugh:544857300179877898> you'll have to forgive me as i use this server to make myself laugh a lot

2019-12-08 19:13:01 UTC  

certainly serves that purpose well enough

2019-12-08 19:13:13 UTC  

thats why i enjoy politics so much honestly... I just find it all so hilarious

2019-12-08 19:13:27 UTC  

everyone else is so up-tight about everything and to me thats even funnier

2019-12-08 19:23:39 UTC  

Obama's trade off of $400 million for 4 American prisoners was...questionable.

2019-12-08 19:28:52 UTC  

lol, imagine thinking it all boils down to something as pedestrian as a dollar amount

2019-12-08 19:29:39 UTC  

It's not the value of a life, it's funding an organization promoting terrorism.

2019-12-08 19:30:35 UTC  

but u framed it as merely an economic transaction ... that's all i was pointing to

2019-12-08 19:39:52 UTC  

@UnScottable. Some people confuse their political stances with who they are as a person. When that happens, the brain perceives an attack on their political beliefs to be an actual physical attack and they get angry.

2019-12-08 19:41:40 UTC  

haha see me I had all of that stripped from me really... I dont really have much that I tie directly to my own identity besides my family and stuff that is related to how i was raised. But because of my experiences I am self-aware of those biases and can extrapolate what the biases mean... where they come from.. etc etc.

2019-12-08 19:42:04 UTC  

honestly i just think tons of people lack self-awareness

2019-12-08 19:46:16 UTC  

Well, modern US culture makes your identity part of who you are instead of what you do or believe. Twitter will ban you if you don't use the gender identity a person has made up. It IS them as far as Twitter is concerned (reality be damned, lol).

2019-12-08 19:47:21 UTC  

Canada has made it legally an attack on a child if you don't use the gender identity they are larping as.

2019-12-08 19:50:51 UTC  

Yah, I know it's not US politics but it's creeping south

2019-12-08 20:00:34 UTC  

A reason our culture is having a major issue is that WHO YOU ARE isn't some fixed property you have all on your own. It has to do with your relationship with yourself and the world, including other people.. It's a process made up what you do and how you relate. When this is forgotten, people who decide that they identify as some gender that they are not have severe mental stress when someone doubts the fixed identity that they say are. Instead of dealing ith the mental malfunction that causes this, laws are made to prevent the triggering of it.

2019-12-08 20:00:59 UTC  

We could just kill Israel....

2019-12-08 20:01:04 UTC  

The Saudi Arabia....

2019-12-08 20:01:14 UTC  

And the rest of the gulf states

2019-12-08 20:01:26 UTC  

No, Israel gets a pass.

2019-12-08 20:01:33 UTC  

Turn everything over to the U.S. and depopulate everything

2019-12-08 20:01:57 UTC  

Nah, Israel and the people within it are a major threat to our people

2019-12-08 20:02:08 UTC  

Jews the world over need to be exterminated

2019-12-08 20:02:26 UTC  

Fuck you, antisemite.

2019-12-08 20:03:18 UTC  

Israel is just an irritant, the Arab Emriates are a cancer

2019-12-08 20:04:37 UTC  

Nah, the jews have been nothing but a plague on Western civilization for over 500 years

2019-12-08 20:04:45 UTC  

And the House of Saud is an actively virulent disease bearing tumour that requires cutting out

2019-12-08 20:05:06 UTC  

And yes, house of Saud needs to be glassed

2019-12-08 20:05:11 UTC  


2019-12-08 20:05:39 UTC  

return Arabia to the rule of native ethnic arabs, they actually pursued knowledge and shit

2019-12-08 20:06:47 UTC  

Actually the Saudi sharrifs for Arabia are a suitable comparison to the Qing minority dynasty for China

2019-12-08 20:07:25 UTC  

an usurping ethnic minority that has undue authority