Message from @Mersenne

Discord ID: 653817550072709122

2019-12-10 04:24:19 UTC  

Hell, if I live in 40 states with smaller populations, my vote wouldn't matter.

2019-12-10 04:24:35 UTC  

they appoint people that they think their constituents would agree with and that they think is a good fit for that state

2019-12-10 04:24:38 UTC  

evidentially, making up shit is the trendy thing to do tonight

2019-12-10 04:25:19 UTC  

and if people disagree with who is in the electoral college for their state, its just a matter of voting in new representatives.

2019-12-10 04:27:21 UTC  

its not dems fault they're all in cities, if you're college educated, if you want to work in the creative economy, you move to a city.

2019-12-10 04:27:38 UTC  

Sure, but not all cities are populated by the college educated

2019-12-10 04:27:41 UTC  

nope, work online, it's 2019

2019-12-10 04:27:45 UTC  

They're just more densely populated.

2019-12-10 04:28:25 UTC  

Remember, cities are supported by those 'fly-over' states. Take away their voice, and you'll invite some serious conflict.

2019-12-10 04:28:47 UTC  

not to mention these states also grow their food

2019-12-10 04:29:01 UTC  

so... you might want to hear them out. just saying.

2019-12-10 04:30:20 UTC  

youve convinced me

2019-12-10 04:30:46 UTC  

but the current way that districts are made is corrupt and has to change

2019-12-10 04:31:00 UTC  

Sure, I can agree with that.

2019-12-10 04:31:12 UTC  

It's should be an impartial system - hard to create without an accurate census.

2019-12-10 04:35:48 UTC  

idk, i still have a problem with votes not being equal

2019-12-10 04:35:59 UTC  

thats like a huge thing to be american

2019-12-10 04:36:12 UTC  

your vote matters, just as much as everybody else's

2019-12-10 04:36:13 UTC  

so for example the united states is the largest producer of corn in the world. over 95% of the farms that grow the majority of the worlds corn are family owned farms in "flyover states"... we only export 13% of the corn we produce. meaning we use 87% of that corn for all kinds of things... from food to oils. Now if we have a system that disenfranchises those in these states and that passes laws that benefit mainly cities because the largest population centers determine the winner... well then these farmers will be disproportionally affected. Candidates would specifically cater to the places like NY. Pushing gun laws... hate speech laws and etc. and it wouldnt matter what these farmers have to say in the matter.

2019-12-10 04:37:19 UTC  

you are mistaking the purpose of the electoral college. as its specifically designed to give these areas a say that they otherwise wouldnt have in just a popular vote system

2019-12-10 04:37:31 UTC  

UnScottable's right. You may be frustrated with the Electoral system - but it gives you way more of a voice than a pure democracy.

2019-12-10 04:37:36 UTC  

kinda fucked to give more voting power to someone who lives in a certain place

2019-12-10 04:37:52 UTC  

Thats what a popular voting system would do.

2019-12-10 04:37:54 UTC  

the electoral college system actually aids in making votes a lot more equal by not giving all the power to large population centers

2019-12-10 04:38:09 UTC  

and this is important in a republic. a union of states.

2019-12-10 04:38:19 UTC  

well.. if you care about them staying unified that is. perhaps you dont.

2019-12-10 04:38:43 UTC  

... wait do you have a problem with democrats being the majority?

2019-12-10 04:38:51 UTC  


2019-12-10 04:39:02 UTC  

how is this question relevant to the discussion

2019-12-10 04:39:06 UTC  

No. I believe the American people have the right to vote for their candidate of their choice.

2019-12-10 04:39:48 UTC  

ok, im high so sorry if im asking you to repeat yourselves, but what exsactly is wrong with a popular vote?

2019-12-10 04:39:53 UTC  

whether or not I have an issue with democrats personally. has no impact on how a republic of vastly different states working together should operate

2019-12-10 04:40:09 UTC  

Popular vote gives all power to cities and no voice to other states.

2019-12-10 04:40:28 UTC  

You don't like the idea of giving voting power to people in a certain place.

2019-12-10 04:40:32 UTC  

popular vote gives power to the people..

2019-12-10 04:40:35 UTC  

That's what a popular vote would accomplish.

2019-12-10 04:40:44 UTC  

It would give all the power to a handful of cities.

2019-12-10 04:40:44 UTC  

this guy is literally braindead

2019-12-10 04:40:48 UTC  


2019-12-10 04:40:50 UTC  

Nah man, he's just baked

2019-12-10 04:40:53 UTC  

It's all good