Message from @Mersenne
Discord ID: 653814022013059072
Sure, by a slight majority on popular vote.
it should be the popular vote wins
That's tyranny of the majority, you would award a small handful of states the ability to elect a president.
well sorry but thats not how it works
you can vote to change it though
good luck with that <:trumpepe:588019356215279642>
Popular vote marginalizes over 80% of the country. It's exactly why we don't operate on that basis.
There's a reason the founding fathers didn't create a pure democracy.
we should have manditory voting like australia, and the popular vote should win... the electoral college is out dates
so their belongings wouldnt get voted away from them
i disagree with you
No, it's not. Pure popular vote gives all the voting power to a handful of cities.
they knew in a pure democracy wealth redistribution would happen fast
and repeating that position over and over with no substantial reasons as to why it should be that way.. is not very convincing
You would give no voice to states and inspire a new civil war.
There's alot of reason Clinton lost. Understand that it's not simply because of Trump.
lmao, its just a formality
memes, memes made her lose
bruh, you gotta be pretty salty to want to change an entire voting system cause your candidate was an unpopular lizard.
best prank 4chan ever did
the electoral college is what makes our votes not matter
Ok, so if I live in Montana under your system, my vote doesn't matter.
the people in the elctoral college are appointed by those that we vote in so.. thats just entirely false
Hell, if I live in 40 states with smaller populations, my vote wouldn't matter.
they appoint people that they think their constituents would agree with and that they think is a good fit for that state
evidentially, making up shit is the trendy thing to do tonight
and if people disagree with who is in the electoral college for their state, its just a matter of voting in new representatives.
its not dems fault they're all in cities, if you're college educated, if you want to work in the creative economy, you move to a city.
Sure, but not all cities are populated by the college educated
nope, work online, it's 2019
They're just more densely populated.
Remember, cities are supported by those 'fly-over' states. Take away their voice, and you'll invite some serious conflict.
not to mention these states also grow their food
so... you might want to hear them out. just saying.
youve convinced me
but the current way that districts are made is corrupt and has to change
Sure, I can agree with that.
It's should be an impartial system - hard to create without an accurate census.