Message from @Jokerfaic

Discord ID: 655101635000795136

2019-12-13 14:50:57 UTC  

Anglo-Saxon boogaloo

2019-12-13 15:21:24 UTC  

`Trump has blasted the Common Core State Standards Initiative, calling it a "total disaster"`

2019-12-13 15:21:26 UTC  


2019-12-13 16:26:06 UTC  

Wow? That for real? @SPOOKY Phil, Ruler of Heck

2019-12-13 16:32:04 UTC  


2019-12-13 17:09:36 UTC  

"Feels good to be a white, male American doesn't it" idk... doesnt feel so great lately

2019-12-13 17:10:27 UTC  

and the fucking Feds and Spooks man. Using political bias as a cause to investigate the president. SMFH 🙄

2019-12-13 17:15:30 UTC  
2019-12-13 17:16:04 UTC  

Report: U.S. Officials Knew Afghanistan Was an Unwinnable War

2019-12-13 17:16:10 UTC  


2019-12-13 17:35:38 UTC  

>that fucking map
fuck, can't unsee

2019-12-13 17:36:30 UTC  

And yeah, funny how many unwinnable wars you encounter when you don't adhere to a coherent goal for victory and go the fuck home once you've accomplished it

2019-12-13 17:38:08 UTC  

afghanistan hasnt been conquered since like... genghis kahn bruh

2019-12-13 17:38:12 UTC  

its almost like "winning" was never the goal in the first place

2019-12-13 17:38:34 UTC  

its been like... since 1200 AD

2019-12-13 17:38:44 UTC  

thats the last time afghan was conquered bruh

2019-12-13 17:39:01 UTC  

its the mountains man

2019-12-13 17:39:02 UTC  

don't be dense, it wasn't about conquest

2019-12-13 17:39:33 UTC  

and also it was about wasting money of course

2019-12-13 17:39:53 UTC  

but still.. even if we did go in with max efficiency to win.. I doubt itd be successful and itd def not be worth it

2019-12-13 17:40:00 UTC  

it was 'alledgedly' about killing saddam, then it became about taliban, then it became about isis, and now that the supposed head of isis is dead, its going to become about something else

2019-12-13 17:41:05 UTC  

except by all accounts, by the goals our government 'claimed' to have, we're fucking victoriaous

2019-12-13 17:41:13 UTC  

wooo yay we own a desert now... yayyy... i guess

2019-12-13 17:41:17 UTC  

the only problem is, victory isn't what the government wants

2019-12-13 17:41:38 UTC  

we own a desert next to a buncha sandnigs.. woooooo

2019-12-13 17:41:45 UTC  


2019-12-13 17:41:51 UTC  

you can't milk a one-and-done war for 20 fucking years, after all

2019-12-13 17:41:57 UTC  

fuc the middle east

2019-12-13 17:42:04 UTC  

im LIKE so. over it

2019-12-13 17:42:08 UTC  

what part of its not conquest isn't getting through to you?

2019-12-13 17:42:16 UTC  

im saying even if it was

2019-12-13 17:42:18 UTC  

thatd still be gay

2019-12-13 17:42:18 UTC  

you realise there are other goals in war than annexation of land

2019-12-13 17:42:21 UTC  

you do know this

2019-12-13 17:42:24 UTC  

that's not a question

2019-12-13 17:42:46 UTC  

even if we say the end goal is to occupy the land its still like... totally worthless land

2019-12-13 17:43:07 UTC  

and also this idea that we just kill sandnigs

2019-12-13 17:43:15 UTC  

and they dont come back <:pepelaugh:544857300179877898>

2019-12-13 17:43:17 UTC  

no shit, which is why that's the one plate of steaming shit the feds won't even bother trying to serve us

2019-12-13 17:43:35 UTC  

the people don't WANT the middle east

2019-12-13 17:43:39 UTC  

want nothing to do with it