Message from @Jokerfaic

Discord ID: 663113287378141196

2020-01-04 19:23:27 UTC  

There will be no war

2020-01-04 19:23:29 UTC  

If Iran does anything, just bomb the shit out of them.

2020-01-04 19:23:32 UTC  

Stop fantasizing.

2020-01-04 19:27:25 UTC  

I doubt it as well, but these string of terrorist actions are military movements by Iran to try and bloody our nose.

2020-01-04 19:28:44 UTC  

I wish they'd try something tbh.

2020-01-04 19:30:50 UTC  

If it escalates into war America will lose again, and you aint ready for the level of terror attacks Iran would bring

2020-01-04 19:32:33 UTC  

Doubt all you want dude, no western power has won in the middle east in modern times

2020-01-04 19:32:46 UTC  


2020-01-04 19:33:02 UTC  

Just bomb the shit out of them and leave.

2020-01-04 19:33:06 UTC  

And that is because what it would take to win our forces and more importantly the western people do no have the stomach to do it

2020-01-04 19:33:33 UTC  

Well this is a break from form, a war started by someone OTHER than the Germans

2020-01-04 19:33:45 UTC  


2020-01-04 19:33:54 UTC  

Do you think their people would give 2 shits if they had a dozen Americans lined up for hanging drawing and quartering? Nah, they'd enjoy it, what about the west 🤔

2020-01-04 19:34:13 UTC  

We don't have the mindset to win or fight brutally anymore, that is both good and bad

2020-01-04 19:34:28 UTC  

"good" how

2020-01-04 19:35:06 UTC  

Well in terms of civility it means we aint monsters and set ourselves apart from them, the negatives are we put a cap on what we are willing to do to achieve victory

2020-01-04 19:35:35 UTC  

And if our enemy is willing to go further than we are then it is right they should win *BECAUSE* they are willing to do more to ensure that victory

2020-01-04 19:36:14 UTC  

Only two ways of beating theological enemies- conversion and complete eradication, and to a large degree both go together

2020-01-04 20:15:05 UTC  

"US troops present"
"US troops are there"
so, what, that's eleventy fucking times I've been proven right?

2020-01-04 20:15:22 UTC  

What'd I fucking say, soldiers aren't there to fight. they're live bait

2020-01-04 20:15:27 UTC  

all to manufacture consent

2020-01-04 20:16:22 UTC  

Americans are sent into hostile environments to get shot at, bombed, and die, so the MIC and fed can tap dance on their flag-draped coffins at home

2020-01-04 20:21:41 UTC  

Why don't Rey and Kylo heal each other over and over forever until another Jedi appears who can heal the one who survives and doesn't die as a result?

2020-01-04 20:22:24 UTC  

Why don't Rey and Kylo heal themselves at any point?

2020-01-04 20:23:03 UTC  

Because movie writers wilt and crumble in terms of talent next to literary and graphic novel writers

2020-01-04 20:23:30 UTC  

and can't work in force healing without making it contrived as fuck

2020-01-04 20:23:32 UTC  

Bold of you to call Jar Jar Abrams a "writer".

2020-01-04 20:23:37 UTC  


2020-01-04 20:24:10 UTC  

but back to the point

2020-01-04 20:24:13 UTC  

I think Mike from RLM had a good point.

2020-01-04 20:24:26 UTC  

why is it I'm never correct about good things and only proven right when its shitty things?

2020-01-04 20:24:52 UTC  

He said the OT was a complete fluke that should've never have become a success, so every successive SW movie can also only succeed as a complete fluke.

2020-01-04 20:25:26 UTC  

Boston Marathon bombing, Istanbul airport attack, Saudi arabia, and now this

2020-01-04 20:26:39 UTC  

I think Rey and Kylo making out is the best thing to ever happen in cinema history because it confirms all the Reylo fanboys and fangirls which means we'll never hear the end of it from those obnoxious fucks and they'll make sure anyone who joins the SW fanbase this late into the game will be shunned by all the normies who think that Reylo fans are weirdos.

2020-01-04 20:26:57 UTC  

k why the actual fuck are you doing this in <#622430408377630761>

2020-01-04 20:27:11 UTC  

Cos Star Wars is Murica

2020-01-04 20:27:36 UTC  

You guys invented lightsabers, now you gotta deal with the fallout.

2020-01-04 20:27:50 UTC  

That's all on you fucks for loving it so much.

2020-01-04 20:28:10 UTC  

except why the actual fuck are you doing this in <#622430408377630761>

2020-01-04 20:28:23 UTC  

Isn't SW considered politics?

2020-01-04 20:28:27 UTC  
