Message from @PurpleToad

Discord ID: 663149067043602433

2020-01-04 21:43:20 UTC  

I don’t think enough seats are up this time

2020-01-04 21:43:25 UTC  

Think of it like when we had the BRexit vote in 2016, then nothing happened, that is where the impeachment is at

2020-01-04 21:43:33 UTC  

They voted for it but nothing has happened

2020-01-04 21:46:33 UTC  

i see, so were just waiting for the fair and just trial

2020-01-04 21:46:44 UTC  

that mconnel wants no part in

2020-01-04 21:47:06 UTC  

it would be impossible to flip the senate, espcially with who is currently up

2020-01-04 21:47:34 UTC  


2020-01-04 21:48:37 UTC  

itll be hard to go against trump's base during the election too, he loves the poorly educated, and its tough to change their minds.

2020-01-04 21:49:02 UTC  

nationalism rises

2020-01-04 21:49:19 UTC  

"blood and soil"

2020-01-04 21:49:40 UTC  

-Trump supporters

2020-01-04 21:50:49 UTC  

is virginia going to start the boogaloo yet or what

2020-01-04 21:52:23 UTC  

Also, the house looks like it will flip back to RED in the next election, lots of the purple districts that voted this last one for dem will flip back

2020-01-04 21:52:47 UTC  

the potential for trump to win reelection with a red house and senate is high

2020-01-04 21:58:02 UTC  

the crazy gender confused voted to impeach

2020-01-04 21:58:38 UTC  

american politics is an alternate reality game

2020-01-04 22:20:29 UTC  

Tump as Most hated? That's pretty laughable. Lincoln's election sparked a freakin' civil war, and most people don't even bother to mention that

2020-01-04 22:30:58 UTC  

might take another one to fuck up the racist southern fuckers

2020-01-04 22:35:25 UTC  

2nd civil war will end just like the first... Democrats lose.

2020-01-04 22:36:19 UTC  

Republican President drove them over the edge~ History does love to repeat itself.

2020-01-04 22:37:38 UTC  


2020-01-04 22:39:55 UTC  

the parties have drastically changes, i think its misleading to say that democrats lost then

2020-01-04 22:40:24 UTC  

Correct me if I am wrong... The Southern Democrats lost the Civil War.

2020-01-04 22:40:28 UTC  

lincoln would deffinitely not be a republican today

2020-01-04 22:44:24 UTC  

the republican party was created to go against slavery, but republicans now are infamous for inciting racial tensions, and I seriously doubt the party names represent the same values

2020-01-04 22:44:54 UTC  

Don't worry~ Virtue warriors constantly bring up Trump being a draft dodger! Surely they are brave enough to answer the call... Right? 🤣

2020-01-04 22:45:37 UTC  

While I can understand some jumping to conclusions with WW3 memes, the draft paranoia came out of nowhere.

2020-01-04 22:45:37 UTC  

The parties did switch their geographic bases. That part is true. The part of the “party switch” where the two switched platforms and the Republicans became racists is false.

The South was solidly Democrat for decades, mainly because of resentment over the Republicans stemming from the Civil War and reconstruction. But the South was also fairly conservative. Both parties had liberal and conservative wings into the 1970s.

The parties became aligned as conservative/liberal after Goldwater’s defeat in 1964 and McGovern’s in 1972. The alignment didn’t really complete until well into the 80s. Reagan spent a good part of his presidency convincing members of the House to change from Democrat to Republican.

At the same time, the Republicans internalized the teaching of Martin Luther King to judge people as individuals while the Democrats insisted on racial preferences and insisted that the only reason for not judging people by race is racism.

Some other factors figure into this. We are not talking about the same people. Northern states have been losing population and Southern states have been gaining for decades. Conservatives have left the “rust belt” states for places like Texas. Air conditioning was a factor in this.

Similarly, blacks are no longer concentrated in the South. They have voted Democrat since the days of FDR and are a large voting block in every major city. That has also contributed to the geographic switch.

The idea of the switch comes from Democrats who are trying to disown their history. They were the party of the KKK and Jim Crow. They want to escape that by claiming that those Democrats are now Republicans.

2020-01-04 22:45:47 UTC  

Holy fucking text wall

2020-01-04 22:45:49 UTC  

holy shit the copypasta

2020-01-04 22:46:05 UTC  

Fucking pussys worried about a draft.

2020-01-04 22:46:10 UTC  

No escaping history... Democrats have to live with their past. Period.

2020-01-04 22:46:29 UTC  

you keep that saved? lol

2020-01-04 22:46:29 UTC  

Fuck each and every fuckwad that is worried about a draft.

2020-01-04 22:46:33 UTC  

Can't shed this like a Hitler wet dream of blaming the Jews for all their problems.

2020-01-04 22:46:52 UTC  

No... Democrats will live with it. Perhaps someday grow from it.

2020-01-04 22:47:13 UTC  

It's honestly hilarious hearing people whine about the possibility of a draft.

2020-01-04 22:47:28 UTC  

if there's a draft they better include women

2020-01-04 22:47:37 UTC  

Every legal male resident of the US registered for Selective Service at 18.

2020-01-04 22:47:39 UTC  

But yes~ People shouldn't worry about the draft. That is just the media trying to make money off panic.