Message from @PurpleToad

Discord ID: 663257967378038804

2020-01-05 03:43:15 UTC  

Revolver has the sort of appeal I think as well.

2020-01-05 03:43:51 UTC  

Ease of cleaning, careful reload, etc.

2020-01-05 03:46:24 UTC  

Webley~ Surely the most fitting weapon for a British man.

2020-01-05 03:53:52 UTC  

Yeah but a wonder 9 is more practical

2020-01-05 03:54:04 UTC  

guns bad

2020-01-05 04:12:39 UTC  

@Wayward Lone he looked like he enjoyed that

2020-01-05 04:44:14 UTC  

NICU btw is Neonatal intensive care unit

2020-01-05 04:44:51 UTC  

This was the bill for a 4 week stay for a baby that needed ICU support

2020-01-05 04:59:12 UTC  

this is america

2020-01-05 05:06:02 UTC  

WHy does an infant need speech pathology services and who charges 140k for 4 weeks of nursery service? That's 35k a week.

2020-01-05 05:28:20 UTC  

I know

2020-01-05 05:28:30 UTC  

And if you click on that and go through the replies its not a one off case dude

2020-01-05 05:28:41 UTC  

Theres loads of peeps talking about how much it costs and what they got billed for

2020-01-05 05:36:36 UTC  

My point is they are clearly overbilling. It happens a lot because they know the customer is only going to see the deductible.

2020-01-05 05:40:08 UTC  

at least they have the option of paying that money for life saveing services that didn't exist in the past.
also yes there is overbilling but that is caused by government and insurance programs.
you think the hospitals just eat the loss when the government says "we are gonna only pay you a quarter of what we owe you"?

2020-01-05 05:41:07 UTC  

by law meany hospitals must serve people reguardless of weather or not they can pay, so you end up with alot of people who don't pay their bill and the government won't pay that bill either so the hospital has to make it up somewhere else.

2020-01-05 05:50:22 UTC  

i think the pharmaceutical industry raising the prices of drugs also contributes quite a bit.

2020-01-05 06:00:06 UTC  

This sort of thing is paid for by the governmeant, also I don't know if this particular bill is real

2020-01-05 06:00:22 UTC  

But yes, if your kid suffers from saw sort of rare disorder it might be expensive if they end up in the ICU

2020-01-05 06:01:05 UTC  

All emergency care is essentially paid for

2020-01-05 06:07:21 UTC  

EMTALA only applies when someone goes to emergency care... not sure if that'd apply to a scheduled appt

2020-01-05 06:07:40 UTC  

The intensive care unit is emergency care, but other things are also paid for

2020-01-05 06:08:32 UTC  

Roughly half of all healthcare is paid for by the governmeant in the U.S.

2020-01-05 06:08:50 UTC  

And if you are below the poverty line, you automatically qualify for medicare and medicade, which acts as your health insurance

2020-01-05 06:09:01 UTC  

So, if you don't have a job you still get medicare or medicade

2020-01-05 06:09:02 UTC  

insurace reform and medicine reform are needed

2020-01-05 06:09:12 UTC  


2020-01-05 06:09:22 UTC  

if you serve the military for a couple years you get free healthcare

2020-01-05 06:09:34 UTC  

Healthcare isn't free, it's paid for in some capacity

2020-01-05 06:09:43 UTC  

within context

2020-01-05 06:09:45 UTC  

But, health insurance is paid for by your employer

2020-01-05 06:10:02 UTC  

Most people get health insurance through their job, which is mandated by law as long as the business is large enough, which is most people

2020-01-05 06:10:24 UTC  

This is roughly half of all healthcare spending, and the other half is from the governmeant

2020-01-05 06:10:42 UTC  

If it was 100% paid for by the governmeant ironially this would shift the burden off of businesses and on to regular taxpayers, which would be a bad thing

2020-01-05 06:10:49 UTC  

Hence 100% governmeant paid for healthcare is problably a bad idea

2020-01-05 06:11:00 UTC  

It sounds great on paper, but in practice is not a good idea