Message from @UnScottable

Discord ID: 665811268434657310

2020-01-12 06:44:03 UTC  

fuckin charlie kirk hanging with the pres.
trump repeating talking points of his big business donors about foreign workers

2020-01-12 06:44:12 UTC  

fuckin kushner

2020-01-12 06:45:19 UTC  

Kushner is the elder son of the former real-estate developer Charles Kushner, the son of Jewish immigrants from the USSR, and is married to Ivanka Trump, President Trump's daughter and fellow advisor

2020-01-12 06:45:49 UTC  

the son of Jewish immigrants from the USSR - - - - - - <:thunk:462282216467333140>

2020-01-12 06:48:18 UTC  

I love jews

2020-01-12 06:49:19 UTC  

building the wall at a snails pace while more illegals keep coming in, all the stuff the trump administration has done for the state of israel.... thats a big long list. Also he made an executive order that protects Jews from the US State Departments definition of anti-Semitism on college campuses. Effectively banning BDS on college campuses if they want federal funding. Clear violation of the 1st amendment. he supports red flag laws that are unconstitutional as well. basically takes away your weapons for precrime.

2020-01-12 06:50:15 UTC  

Well I mean removing funding for universities is different from not allowing them to exist, so that's not really a 1st amendment violation

2020-01-12 06:50:16 UTC  
2020-01-12 06:50:39 UTC  

But yeah, the wall has been built rather slowly, mostly due to democrat obstruction

2020-01-12 06:51:10 UTC  

so basically if you mention this stuff at all. any of the stuff on this list and the college doesnt punish the person for it. then the college gets its federal funding revoked

2020-01-12 06:51:57 UTC  

Red flag laws vary in scope as well, with some being little more than a watchlist, and others removing people's right to own a gun pre-emptively which is clearly unconstitutional.

2020-01-12 06:53:39 UTC  

executive order to build the wall by declaring a state of emergency? naahhh... but the jews though.
lemme sign that right away <:sargonfingerguns:568463117856669696>

2020-01-12 06:54:00 UTC  

He did give emergency funding to build the wall

2020-01-12 06:54:04 UTC  

it was just 8 billion dollars though

2020-01-12 06:55:22 UTC  

"Drawing comparisons of contemporary Israeli policy to that of the Nazis."
See, I was on the fence about that, until anti-free-speech policy was attributed to it

2020-01-12 06:55:40 UTC  

yea the list is uh...

2020-01-12 06:55:43 UTC  

quite extensive

2020-01-12 06:55:58 UTC  

not really, unless there are other pages I didn't click

2020-01-12 06:56:16 UTC  

i like how mentioning that they own the media is also anti-semitism

2020-01-12 06:56:20 UTC  

that one cracks me up

2020-01-12 06:56:48 UTC  

"Denying the Jewish people their right to self-determination, e.g., by claiming that the existence of a State of Israel is a racist endeavor."

2020-01-12 06:56:55 UTC  

oh you mean like what whites want to do?

2020-01-12 06:56:58 UTC  

Yeah, don't get it twisted, Republicans aren't the defending champions of the first ammendment any more than Democrats

2020-01-12 06:57:00 UTC  

Defining things that can be anti-Semitic doesn't though make these things, expressly illegal to say, just can be defined as anti-Semitism.

2020-01-12 06:57:28 UTC  

There's no reason to think you'll go to prison for saying any of these things xD

2020-01-12 06:57:50 UTC  

Defining racism is also something the governmeant has done, but plenty of racist people walk around saying racist things

2020-01-12 06:57:53 UTC  

except for the fact its explicitly threatened the distribution or revokation of federal funds on those basis

2020-01-12 06:58:12 UTC  

yea every ive been ignoring you because you are giving more low iq takes

2020-01-12 06:58:13 UTC  

as usual

2020-01-12 06:58:16 UTC  

Yes, the government can pick and choose who it wants to give funds to arbitrarily

2020-01-12 06:58:24 UTC  

that's the government tipping its hand on political speech

2020-01-12 06:58:31 UTC  

This isn't a violation of the 1st amendment, you aren't owed free money from the governmeant xD

2020-01-12 06:58:55 UTC  

Like who they choose to give money to is their own choice, these universities can still exist without governmeant grants

2020-01-12 07:00:13 UTC  

That the governmeant is not in favor of something or won't support something is different from not allowing them to exist

2020-01-12 07:00:17 UTC  

yes it is. universities receiving public funds from the gov are public institutions that are using taxes to operate. Therefore the government should not be allowed to revoke this funding based on things that violate amendments, effectively banning BDS demonstrations on campuses otherwise public funds will be rejected... is a violation of the first amendment because the 1st amendment specifically protects us from the government limiting speech

2020-01-12 07:00:59 UTC  

mainly because this has to do with tax money you see

2020-01-12 07:01:02 UTC  

The Governmeant isn't limiting the speech, it's just not providing tax revenue. For the same reason a police officer can be fired for saying antisemetic stuff or racist language, the same is true of choosing who to give money to

2020-01-12 07:01:05 UTC  

public funds from everyone

2020-01-12 07:01:08 UTC  

and its not like the government doesn't have a record of this shit in other areas