Message from @everybodydothatdinosaur

Discord ID: 671882306084143114

2020-01-29 00:41:56 UTC  

mm, a similar thing happens today some gay/lesbian couples (+ the exception of sheep I believe for being bi since they form long term same sec relations). But my point was if you were using nature as an example of why homosexual/bi behaviour doesn’t happen ur just wrong basically which is what calling something unnatural basically is

2020-01-29 00:42:12 UTC  

At least your not calling for them to be executed like edgetards online or Nick Fuentes but I don't get offended by that. Christians can be against same-sex marrage but they aren't on the same level as a /pol/tard or a muslim cleric who want them actively dead.

2020-01-29 00:42:52 UTC  

Nick Fuentes isnt gay?

2020-01-29 00:44:14 UTC  

Fuentes sounds gay

2020-01-29 00:44:22 UTC  

The catboi had a very feminine penis so Nick is straight right?

2020-01-29 00:45:24 UTC  

He always says, "no homo" right after so it's totally straight.....

2020-01-29 00:46:15 UTC  
2020-01-29 00:51:27 UTC  

@Killzone He's soo far in the closet he's probably in Narnia.

2020-01-29 00:51:46 UTC  

@Omar_The_OMAP Single mother?

2020-01-29 00:53:11 UTC  

Derrick was the Husband

2020-01-29 00:54:19 UTC  

That is fing twisted

2020-01-29 00:56:03 UTC  


2020-01-29 00:56:08 UTC  

but happens too often

2020-01-29 00:57:58 UTC  

Colorado used to be a nice state with close communities.

2020-01-29 00:58:34 UTC  

Then the Californanids came.

2020-01-29 00:58:51 UTC  

Sad times ahead

2020-01-29 00:59:10 UTC  

Thug life

2020-01-29 00:59:54 UTC  

I think that Republican states are going to thrive and Democratic states will suffer from economic collapses.

2020-01-29 01:00:24 UTC  

Yeah this is likely to happen sadly

2020-01-29 01:00:35 UTC  

The homelessness rate among democrat states is also off the charts by comparison to Republican states

2020-01-29 01:01:26 UTC  

Mainly due to unsustainable ecomonic policies and introduction of a inferior working population that'll prefer to be on welfare.

2020-01-29 01:01:58 UTC  

Operative word that doesn't belong there. 'Working'. They're not there for work

2020-01-29 01:02:54 UTC  

Here's the weird thing right, the left always argues for a high minimum wage and better guaranteed health insurance and all dis shit, and then places like California use illegal immigrants at 2 dollars an hour and doesn't even give them health insurance and expects the taxpayer to foot the bill to save corporations on money that instead should be spent by corporations on the worker's health insurance. It's kind of absurd.

2020-01-29 01:03:07 UTC  

and said red states will get high off their "we're not the shitty ones" attitudes and go wild with their own bullshit. Violations of separation of church and state, removal of more civil liberties concerning interaction with the police, further dismantling the 4th amendment, declaring more and more suspected criminals to be 'terrorists/foreign combatants' thereby denying citizens a trial

2020-01-29 01:03:21 UTC  


2020-01-29 01:03:32 UTC  

None of this has happened

2020-01-29 01:03:47 UTC  

Vs. what is for-sure happening in left-wing states

2020-01-29 01:03:48 UTC  

The problem is they completely ignore CoL. Like my mortgage is less than the rent on a studio in Santa Barbara. So they talk about the 'wealth' of blue states and ignore that it costs twice as much to afford the same lifestyle there.

2020-01-29 01:04:51 UTC  

How does one contend that illegal immigrnt labor is good for the economy as they work under the table illegally for 2 dollars an hour, but then demand a 15 dollar an hour minimum wage for a starbucks barrista? It's like the plan is to destroy all businesses that don't use illegal immigrant slave labor or outsource to China

2020-01-29 01:05:07 UTC  

that is indeed a point. no shit people need to make 6 figures or something over there, that's what it costs to live there

2020-01-29 01:05:21 UTC  

Homelessness is through the roof

2020-01-29 01:06:18 UTC  

Yeah I mean I have a buddy who 'barely' makes six figures out there. he has a 2 hour commute to get from where he can afford a house for his familly to where the work is.

2020-01-29 01:06:47 UTC  

I have literally lived the very same experience. F

2020-01-29 01:07:02 UTC  

though I was only making $30,000

2020-01-29 01:07:11 UTC  

I don't even make six figs

2020-01-29 01:07:30 UTC  

Here? Median *national* wage is about 60K at 60K you can have a 3 bed a nice truck and a motorcycle for fun...

2020-01-29 01:07:30 UTC  

and I didn't even have a car