Message from @Jerm70

Discord ID: 672402494051319858

2020-01-30 11:18:03 UTC  

Comrade Sanders would basically be dealing with his past.

2020-01-30 11:18:31 UTC  

And all the times he publicly praised the USSR.

2020-01-30 11:21:20 UTC  

Thing is

2020-01-30 11:21:27 UTC  

Bernie's base won't care about that

2020-01-30 11:21:34 UTC  

But the elder voters probably will

2020-01-30 11:21:42 UTC  

and elder voters win elections

2020-01-30 11:21:44 UTC  

Yes but Bernie's base can't win an election.

2020-01-30 11:21:50 UTC  


2020-01-30 11:22:07 UTC  

Bernies base is so deep democrat that it'd be hilarious to see people like Shoe see him lose

2020-01-30 11:22:31 UTC  

If Bernie wins.

2020-01-30 11:22:41 UTC  

Trump wins the election.

2020-01-30 11:23:02 UTC  

I mean tbf there's little any dem candidate can do to win the election.

2020-01-30 11:24:02 UTC  

Biden will give the Dems better starting momentum but he's going to be crushed in the campaign.
Sanders will likely be an energetic campaigner but he'll only be talking to the deep blue states and not to the midgrounds.

2020-01-30 11:24:21 UTC  

The Dems have only one way to win.

2020-01-30 11:25:05 UTC  

@Jerm70 It would be a repeat of what happened in the UK if Bernie wins the nomination.

2020-01-30 11:25:25 UTC  

They will need to elect Adam Sandler.

2020-01-30 11:26:10 UTC  


2020-01-30 11:26:30 UTC  

Or Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson.

2020-01-30 11:26:34 UTC  

But muh communist in hiding base.

2020-01-30 11:27:00 UTC  

There was a bunch of sleeper Democrat voters.

2020-01-30 11:27:27 UTC  

All you need to say is Heil Stalin and they will appear.

2020-01-30 11:27:50 UTC  

@Gaylien Buuuuuuuuuut Oriiiiioooooon! Bernie has big events and that means that eeeeeeeveeeeeryone loves him!

2020-01-30 11:28:19 UTC  

What is their argument against Trump in that case?

2020-01-30 11:28:34 UTC  

Well they're not the right big events.

2020-01-30 11:28:59 UTC  

Trumps ones are bad, Bernies are good.

2020-01-30 11:30:41 UTC  

This whole election reminds me why I hate people getting into campaign mode for candidates. Like ShoeOnHead. She's literally enveloped herself with the Bernie fanatic community and is doing things that she would have previously called others out for and is playing a partisan hack for Bernie basically. It reminds me of when Sargon did it for UKIP and I just turned off. And I was a UKIP supporter at the time.

2020-01-30 12:20:50 UTC  

Oh, is brainlet not meant as satire?

2020-01-30 12:30:51 UTC  


2020-01-30 13:13:10 UTC  

Question. Was the confederacy a victim of Northern colonization?

2020-01-30 13:14:42 UTC  

I know a guy who could answer this for you

2020-01-30 14:30:54 UTC  

> Well, not necessarily northern colonization, but shifting demographics that disproportionately favored the north over the south. The only reason why the peace was kept during the decades leading up to the civil war was due mostly to the southern politicians who ended up as President for their military careers or being middle-of-the-road candidates.
> However, the balance of power had been shifted towards the north from the 1830’s onwards into the 1860’s due to mass immigration to northern states giving them disproportionately more political power than southern states. It is why, though everyone blames the south for it, things like the fugitive slave act were passed into law, since it required northern democrats from places like Pennsylvania to push for the legislation and convince northern politicians to enact the legislation. It’s also why we nearly had a war in 1832-1833 with the nullification crisis. The north had gained far too much political power and was silencing the southern states and their voices through the sheer number of delegates states like New York had accumulated.
> Long story short, the Confederacy was formed because of demographic shifts in the north giving them more political power over the south, which was placing pressure on the southern states to either act or eventually be completely invalidated in the entire political system.
-The guy I know

2020-01-30 15:16:12 UTC  
2020-01-30 16:50:55 UTC  

All government does is cover up the sexual abuse of minors.

2020-01-30 16:51:24 UTC  

They do it in public school and now in camps, I'm not surprised, but I am disappointed.

2020-01-30 16:51:37 UTC  

Because he's a meanie, thats why they are so "cucked"

2020-01-30 16:52:09 UTC  

But its a meanie or people who want to murder unborn children so its a pretty clear choice for anyone who professes to be "christian" in my eyes

2020-01-30 16:53:25 UTC  

I mean, evangelicals are already cucks. They bend over for a deity

2020-01-30 16:54:39 UTC  

According to your athiestic worldview yes

2020-01-30 16:54:44 UTC  

Also, wonder how christians feel when they take a close look at how many favors Trump does for a Jihadi muslim kingdom

2020-01-30 16:55:06 UTC  

Name a president who hasnt?