Message from @ARockRaider

Discord ID: 673460685132529684

2020-02-02 09:26:12 UTC  

the BEST case with federal level government is "it's bloated" the more likely case is "money is going to people's friends and being wasted"

2020-02-02 09:26:20 UTC  

The government uses money about as efficiently as a crack addict

2020-02-02 09:26:43 UTC  

at least the addict gets his hit with his money.

2020-02-02 09:27:08 UTC  

private sector debt is and has been a much bigger problem than government debt

2020-02-02 09:27:33 UTC  

for my entire life i have heard
"the roads are crumbleings! we need more money!"
"the schools are failing! we need more money!"
and those things just seem to be getting worse.

2020-02-02 09:28:10 UTC  

and the government would not have to accrue debt to deficit spend if they weren't required to "finance" it through the sell of bonds

2020-02-02 09:28:19 UTC  

and of course i would say

2020-02-02 09:28:24 UTC  

that insofar as it is inefficient

2020-02-02 09:28:39 UTC  

well of course, liberals have demanded as much

2020-02-02 09:28:54 UTC  

the government tried to run steamships, those ships lost money.
they tried to build rails, those reails were way outclassed by the rails made by busness who had to earn the money for rails.

2020-02-02 09:29:46 UTC  

they tried to build a plane, they guy they hired said "it can't be done"
not a year later to bike builders got airborn.

2020-02-02 09:29:56 UTC  

they have demanded we have a president who rules only for 8 years at most, they have demanded much power be placed in the hand of a horribly inefficient parliament, they have demanded that the government rule through regulation rather than direction

2020-02-02 09:30:04 UTC  

the ONLY time the government did a good job that i can think of is the moon landings.

2020-02-02 09:30:09 UTC  

it's an inefficient high time preference entity

2020-02-02 09:30:30 UTC  

so how about we don't give them the money and let the locals deal with it?

2020-02-02 09:30:42 UTC  

well i would say make it more efficient

2020-02-02 09:30:59 UTC  

let me ask this, will tell me alot about you.
what do you think about inheritance taxes?

2020-02-02 09:31:16 UTC  

i don't have a strong opinion

2020-02-02 09:31:44 UTC  

so would you say it's fair for someone to leave all they own to their kids?
or should the government get a cut of it?

2020-02-02 09:32:09 UTC  

i don't have a strong opinion either way

2020-02-02 09:32:19 UTC  

pick one please.

2020-02-02 09:32:23 UTC  


2020-02-02 09:32:32 UTC  

why not?

2020-02-02 09:32:42 UTC  

because i don't have a strong opinion either way

2020-02-02 09:32:44 UTC  

like i've said

2020-02-02 09:32:52 UTC  

it's simple, should you chose where the spoils of your entire life go?
or should the government?

2020-02-02 09:33:16 UTC  

i'm not going to repeat myself any more

2020-02-02 09:33:40 UTC  

ok fine, you want to tax the rich at higher rates though.

2020-02-02 09:34:29 UTC  

why not just have a simple flat income tax rate? say 15% no deductions.

2020-02-02 09:34:35 UTC  

in general i would say tax systems should be progressive

2020-02-02 09:34:39 UTC  

to some extent

2020-02-02 09:34:39 UTC  


2020-02-02 09:34:55 UTC  

what did the rich do wrong to be taxed at 30cents on the dollar instend of say 5?

2020-02-02 09:35:01 UTC  

because of the burden placed on the people in question?

2020-02-02 09:35:34 UTC  

so you would burden the poor with a complex tax system to save them a few cents on the dollar?

2020-02-02 09:35:37 UTC  

also because ideally it would limit the power of capitalists, however i do think this could be a sisyphean task under a liberal economic and political system

2020-02-02 09:35:56 UTC  

The problem is massive corporations like Amazon paying low taxes

2020-02-02 09:36:02 UTC  

that's a lie.

2020-02-02 09:36:04 UTC  

Not individual people

2020-02-02 09:36:16 UTC  

amazon pays piles of taxes, they just don't pay "this one tax"

2020-02-02 09:36:20 UTC  

They get around taxes