Message from @Lidomite
Discord ID: 673850149151178753
"I got me a pool that was struck by lightning a few moons back, now I can write things on rocks and throw them in and the pool shows other words back"
nah, just really christian parents and being homeshooled.
only thing i feel like i really missed out on is playing DnD with friends, that would have been so much fun if they had setup a DnD group at the church.
hay it's like talking to the burnie bros!
Spell it like that and I just think of Burnie burns
did i spell it wrong?
Honestly, I am sorry if I have offended anyone. I just refuse to believe we have gone past the point of no return, and Satan has a (can't think of correct word) grip on the future.
we were past the point of no return at your user name.
If that is all it took, then truly I weep for us.
22min of crazy? why on earth would anyone watch this?
Leftists are Cringe
Don't despair, it's unethical, according to your chief cook god.
Was that English?
I don't think so.
I think it just looks kinda like englsh.
Tim Cook said "It's unethical to despair"
What part of this don't you understand?
oh it's a quote form someone who I don't know.
Nobody apparently.
I feel like i have heard the name, but that's it.
Tim Pool?
The Apple guy!
Not the Pool guy!
I dont buy Apple trash
nah, tim pool the fence sitter who spends 20 min with less then 5 min of topic.
also, yah only thing i know about apple is they be trash
Either do I, his statement about despair is stupid.
"stand sold separately"
Imagine thinking Apple is not a trash company
I can see how someone might say "It's unethical to despair" but how crazy that is depends fully on the rest of their beliefs
you know, its creepy that a vox or vice juernolist could be hiding in this discord writing a article about what we write
hmm, true but that sounds like it's more work then they would put into a project.
they would just write their lies and fantasies and call it a day.
odds are it would be shorter then an avarage speed writeing contest as well :P
lol, imagine thinking these people do any research at all