Message from @Camera Obscura

Discord ID: 675490650183041044

2020-02-07 23:44:57 UTC  

The terms are more or less flexible which makes rigid definitions different to say definitively

2020-02-07 23:45:08 UTC  

Lol. Biden has the lions share of the black vote at about 45% for comparison Bernie is in the teens and Trump has a 35% approval rating among black Americans....

2020-02-07 23:46:12 UTC  

I'm just guessing this is not the case given he has such little support

2020-02-07 23:46:23 UTC  

He caters to a specific niche crowd

2020-02-07 23:46:38 UTC  

That is correct xD

2020-02-07 23:46:53 UTC  

He's got the black vote of course for this reason

2020-02-07 23:49:22 UTC  

pete buttigegg has a more left-leaning position on a lot of things, be it a public health insurance option, the abolition of the electoral college, a heavier emphasis on climate change, and so on and so forth

2020-02-07 23:50:14 UTC  

Bernie Sanders is not morally unquestionable lol, and furthermore nobody really thinks Bernie Sanders has done anything for them on the scale Trump has, which is the big question. What will a person do, not how do they appear

2020-02-07 23:51:13 UTC  

That's probably not the case, given that only a small percentage of people are likely to use the public option and you still will pay for your own public health insurance partially. I'm also not sure where you got these figures from

2020-02-07 23:52:15 UTC  

Look I'll give you the young and ~~idealistic~~ ignorant vote. But the rest of your take fairly well demonstrates a lack of knowledge of black people in this country. They're not very progressive but do vote Democrat. So Biden is the big name not running on a progressive progrom. Buttigeg can't get it because homophobia is a lot more acceptable here.

2020-02-07 23:53:48 UTC  

Huh? What has Trump done for them? Christ OK when Trump talks about all those manufacturing jobs. When he talks about the rise in medium wage for the lower earners. **That is a disproportionately minority demographic**.

2020-02-07 23:54:14 UTC  

So for example, Bernie Sanders voted in favor of the Iraq Resolution, which lead to the Iraq war, but then claimed he was against going in to the Iraq War. Personally I was in favor of the Iraq intervention but it shows duplicity. Then you have him refusing to pay higher taxes or pay his workers 15 dollars an hour, despite demanding that the whole rest of the country do it and not live up to his ideals. He's switched back and forth on immigration a bajillion times but, but he also praised the soviet union's and Venezuela's social programs, which he claimed he based a lot of his ideas on.

He's contradicted himself a bunch of times, became a millionaire but claims to detest millionaires, and promotes policies up until it's obvious they will fail, and then pretends he never did. He isn't morally unquestionable. But beyond that, people don't vote for a guy they don't know much about, and that is why name recognition was so important, such as with Trump. He was never even a politician, but name recognition alone was enough to get his name in the media and get the votes. It's probably one of the most important features.

2020-02-07 23:54:37 UTC  

If you'd been on a factory floor you would notice this. It is a hell of a lot more "diverse" than the crowd at the Starbucks your Bernie Bros work at.

2020-02-07 23:56:08 UTC  

You've got to have national name recognition or the chances of winning in a national election is pretty low, which is why pete has a low chance of winning. Bernie sanders does not poll well with black people, because he has his entire career polled with the sort of left-wing progressive socialist types and, sort of the upper-middle class white liberals, and so naturally most black people just don't know much about him or have any real reason to support his policies.

2020-02-07 23:57:04 UTC  

The koch brothers are practically liberals, and I've never really had much respect for them, for example he's working with George Soros on the whole anti-military thing, but the profit margin for the healthcare industry is about 3%, which is not very large and thus isn't a primary reasons why costs might be driven up

2020-02-07 23:57:39 UTC  

Profit margins are a few percents, which means the costs are maybe 3% higher due to, well profit

2020-02-07 23:57:45 UTC  

Or you could look at First Start which *also* disproportionately helps minorities. Or you could look at the Opportunity zones that *also* disproportionately benefit minorities. Meanwhile Bernie is promising to kill those jobs and then **tax them** so he can pay the student loans of Baristas.............

2020-02-07 23:58:23 UTC  

"net earnings to $23.4 billion and an in‐ crease in the profit margin to 3.3% in 2018 compared to net earn‐ ings of $16.1 billion and a profit margin of 2.4% in 2017"

2020-02-07 23:58:41 UTC  

bernie is in the teens? based. wish i got an invite to the weekend at bernies party

2020-02-07 23:59:13 UTC  

And you can look at criminal justice reform which is aimed at reducing the incarceration rate for supposedly over-incarcerated crimes

2020-02-08 00:02:28 UTC  

He didn't single handledly get amazon to raise their wages lol, but the problem is that he didn't pay his own workers the minimum wage he demanded the rest of the nation did, or pay the tax rate the rest of the nation would have to. The issue with too high of a minimum wage is higher costs for everything and an increase in inflation but that's another entirely, it was just pointing out the lack of principle.

He doesn't have the black vote under 35 is kind of the point I'm making, it's not very high. He's changed his stance on immigration by saying that more immigration is a Koch Brother's idea, to now supporting large amounts of immigration, and he's openly and tacitly supported both Venezuelas and the Soviet union's policies

2020-02-08 00:02:48 UTC  

How are they a threat to democray exactly

2020-02-08 00:03:15 UTC  

Also the number of jobs have increased in this country, they didn't lay off the workers

2020-02-08 00:04:02 UTC  

You can voluntarily choose to pay your own workers whatever you want and send that bigger check to the government over taxes, unlike trying to fly with no jet fuel etc.

2020-02-08 00:04:21 UTC  

Green policies are just impossible to actually implement, but paying people more is an easily possible reality without needing the governmeant to mandate it

2020-02-08 00:04:46 UTC  

He could easily have paid his own workers the minimum wage he insisted, or paid a higher tax rate from his book deals etc.

2020-02-08 00:04:55 UTC  

It was just a joke lol

2020-02-08 00:05:06 UTC  

my point is these are not two things that are comparable

2020-02-08 00:05:17 UTC  

You can easily, easily pay your workers more if you believe workers should be paid more

2020-02-08 00:05:23 UTC  

lots of companies do it

2020-02-08 00:05:27 UTC  


Or anywhere else you look the growth is real. But beyond that yes we can believe it because Trump said it and we all know if he was off by 1/10th of a percent it would be on the front page of every paper and the lead story on every channel....

2020-02-08 00:07:10 UTC  

But Obama went through 2008, so he had more jobs to add in the first place

2020-02-08 00:07:23 UTC  

Just in sheer number of unemployed people

2020-02-08 00:08:10 UTC  

Jobs have been added pretty steadily for years now

2020-02-08 00:08:32 UTC  

But I agree that Trump deserves credit

2020-02-08 00:08:40 UTC  

I just said that...