Message from @Frost509
Discord ID: 676892163484942337
and hopefully watch a host roast them
People are fans of the movies and want to see the actors of those movies get their awards, I dont see how its confusing why people would watch it...
sooooo.... how bout that healthcare
i wanted to post a seinfeld gif but discord kinda sucks for em
for embeds? yeah
Healthcare is the big gay
protip if you're in any server with a MEE6 bot that PMs you
post images there, first, then copy the image link and post here
Lol trump campaigned on universal healthcare, then cuts a trillion dollars
??? um no he didn't
he campaigned on not cutting medicare or social security
“I am going to take care of everybody. I don’t care if it costs me votes or not. Everybody’s going to be taken care of much better than they’re taken care of now,” -trump 2015
i did like that hes supposedly putting out a bill that is making price transparency mandatory or somthing
reading a book called the price we pay and its pissing me off
without context that sounds like you're reading propaganda
It's a direct quote, not sure how that's propaganda
no I mean the phrase "I'm reading a book and its pissing me off"
its a book written by a doctor who went around and documented multiple cases of hospitals price gouging and predatorily suing low income patients
havent gotten far enough to reach a conclusion yet but so far the book is making me angrier with every story
how does a hospital sue a patient for anything but damage to persons or property?
they sue the patient for purposefully bloated medical costs that no one making less than 6 figures could hope to pay on time
So they sue the patients that can't pay their hospital bills?
and half the time the hospital would get the suit passed and garnish wages without the person being aware until its too late
@PurpleToad yeah, and the prices are arbitrarily raised and bloated with little to no transparency
fucking hell florida chill
Not surprising, its Florida
Civil disobedience is an American right
Aswell as the right to protest, idc what you believe in
so is this another standing rock situation?
Eehhh similar
Not completely familiar about all that happened with standing rock
not surprising, there was a huge media blackout on it pretty early on
native americans were protesting against a pipeline and were pretty much assaulted to remove them.