Message from @Ordis

Discord ID: 677158950088474645

2020-02-12 09:27:20 UTC  

And if there is, people will remember that

2020-02-12 09:27:52 UTC  

Bernie will face a crushing defeat similar to Corbyn's banishment in the last UK election. The real question is whether the Dems embrace the progressives or reject them completely after 2020.

2020-02-12 09:28:28 UTC  

Probably, but don't get too cocky

2020-02-12 09:33:24 UTC  

Typically, the pendulum will swing from left to right and back, just like you take a step with your left foot and then your right and then the left again and so on to move forward. Meaning the public at large will likely vote for a strong Democrat in 2024 to fill in the gaps they believe were left by Trump. This is why many of the last Presidents have alternated - Bush, Clinton, Bush, Obama, Trump ... Before Bush was Reagan, but he was an exception.

It's not a hard and fast rule. Sometimes you get doubles. So like Bush (R), Reagan (R), Carter (D), Ford (R), Nixon (R), LBJ (D), Kennedy (D), Ike (R), Truman (D), FDR (D), Hoover (R) ... But safe money says the pendulum will swing to a Dem next time. You most likely won't get more than two in a row.

So think about what the gaps Trump leaves might be and expect the next candidate to be the one who most likely promises to address those things.

2020-02-12 09:37:18 UTC  

I'll concede that a party shift is almost to be expected in the post-Trump 2024 election. Bernie's correctly identified the greatest problems affecting the middle class - the cost of healthcare being one of the largest - but presents socialist reform that the majority of Americans find to be unpalpable.

2020-02-12 09:39:10 UTC  

Trump has price transparency that he can lean on, but by and large, we have a real problem with entitlement in this country and the mindset that people have a right to force others to pay their bills for them, and that they can avoid taking responsibility for their own lives.

So ... that's something that needs to be addressed, and I try to work on it. Interestingly, UBI would actually be a carrot you could offer in exchange for them giving up the current welfare system. Yang is very smart in that regard to make it an either-or, rather than purely additive.

2020-02-12 09:40:08 UTC  

But again, like I said, and like Bill said in that video, you need to convince people they're not gonna starve from you taking food out of their mouth or they'll fight you tooth and nail over it.

2020-02-12 09:41:54 UTC  

There's a lot I don't like in Yang and Tulsi's plans, but enough that I do for me to bite the bullet and say it'd be a healthy step forward, especially knowing what's coming down the line with automation. Those two are concerned about love of country and unity and not overturning what's clearly working. We could do a lot worse than them, as you're seeing right now.

2020-02-12 10:23:14 UTC  

Lol good

2020-02-12 11:42:51 UTC  

This is Trump country

>two Somalis

2020-02-12 13:41:29 UTC  

So I have an idea to make leftists ree forever if Trump somehow loses election.

2020-02-12 13:41:48 UTC  

Pardon Richard Nixon.

2020-02-12 13:42:17 UTC  

Order assassinations on Maduro.

2020-02-12 13:43:18 UTC  

Declare martial law and hand nukes to Israel.

2020-02-12 13:44:06 UTC  

Start a Kickstarter to get a Pinochet statue in the front lawn of the White House.

2020-02-12 13:44:40 UTC  

Openly declare that Xi is Winne the Pooh.

2020-02-12 13:50:07 UTC  

How about some budget cuts and debt reduction instead....

2020-02-12 14:27:54 UTC  

No, no, he might be on to something here

2020-02-12 14:58:58 UTC  

Knowing them, stuff about having children could be “White Supremacist Propaganda”

2020-02-12 15:55:31 UTC  

Boomer tier

2020-02-12 15:56:47 UTC  

is anyone surprised?
well honestly I'm surprised they are gonna go after Jussie after all but the other part.

2020-02-12 16:54:59 UTC  

Will Barr stepping in on the Roger Stone deal lead to another impeachment inquiry?

2020-02-12 16:59:11 UTC  

Whatever excuse~

2020-02-12 17:05:31 UTC  

But if they push with Roger Stone... They put their prior investigations back in the spotlight. If they force it like the last impeachment? Very likely to turn on them... Again. Think people are now openly calling for Biden to drop out.

2020-02-12 17:48:09 UTC  

Lol @ the ADL

2020-02-12 17:48:14 UTC  

They should all be arrested

2020-02-12 17:48:23 UTC  

Along with the rest if the kikes and niggers

2020-02-12 18:16:00 UTC  

Hi I'm not educated and what is incumbent voting?