Message from @TheCaledonian

Discord ID: 677784590722531351

2020-02-14 03:29:19 UTC  

I just bought the bible narrated by James Earl Jones

2020-02-14 03:29:24 UTC  

My life is now complete

2020-02-14 03:55:54 UTC  

An amazing video really

2020-02-14 03:56:09 UTC  

The best detective work done by a non-detective for sure

2020-02-14 05:35:14 UTC  

They really messed up with Roger Stones...

2020-02-14 05:35:27 UTC  

1. The jury forewoman was a Clinton staffer who ran for congress. She also tweeted multiple times DURING the trial her disdain for Trump and Stone.
2. The prosecutors (ALL democrats) who resigned lied to their superiors what they were going to recommend during the sentencing phase.
3. They also ignored the direction of their superiors concerning the sentencing recommendations.
4. The presidents tweets about the Stone case came after the DOJ instructed the prosecutors what to recommend and AFTER they went rouge!

2020-02-14 06:04:59 UTC  

@The Roman Emperor lmao jf is such a fucking autist

2020-02-14 06:05:05 UTC  

Smart though

2020-02-14 06:07:32 UTC  

That article has a couple of exaggerations but not much

2020-02-14 06:11:14 UTC  

oof CA politics is full of ezra levant links

2020-02-14 07:40:34 UTC  

Not my fault

2020-02-14 07:41:00 UTC  

Also merica best prepare for another event similar to kill dozer

2020-02-14 07:41:50 UTC  


2020-02-14 07:44:47 UTC  

"haha look the travel ban that was blocked by courts wasn't always in effect trump is so dumb"

2020-02-14 07:44:51 UTC  

go away CNN

2020-02-14 07:47:13 UTC  


2020-02-14 07:48:14 UTC  

Okay r/The_Donald

2020-02-14 07:50:13 UTC  

You haven't disproved his argument, though.

2020-02-14 07:53:59 UTC  

What? "Muh courts"? I dont really disagree

2020-02-14 07:54:59 UTC  

Just trump ain't winning when you have *150,000* people come from these banned nations

2020-02-14 07:56:09 UTC  

What do you want him to do?
Vote for better congressmen?

2020-02-14 07:59:25 UTC  

The article might be three flavors of biased but even it concedes that most of this junk has been sitting around for multiple decades, and he can't really change established legislation outside of small tweaks with executive orders, which are easily reversed by the next guy, congress, courts, or intelligence agencies

2020-02-14 08:30:05 UTC  

> What do you want him to do?

Use his constitutional power that supersedes the courts and state authority to enact and enforce the law.

> Vote for better congressmen?

2020-02-14 11:17:46 UTC  

Better than 1 million a year when Obooboo was president

2020-02-14 11:18:08 UTC  

America is still feeling the pain from his 8 years of "Hope and change"

2020-02-14 11:18:36 UTC  

Hope if youre a nigger or a mongrel, changing into South America but above the equator <:pot_of_kek:544849795433496586>

2020-02-14 12:57:17 UTC  


2020-02-14 14:33:00 UTC  

This "New Way Forward Act" sounds insane

2020-02-14 16:45:12 UTC  

lol... what a time to be alive where the counter punch is "At least I'm not a communist"

2020-02-14 16:53:45 UTC  


2020-02-14 16:53:56 UTC  

Better dead than red

2020-02-14 16:58:37 UTC  

@Doroshenko Ah "The Great Replacememt Act"