Message from @ETBrooD
Discord ID: 682268564979187786
So the question wasn’t about European people’s becoming extinct ?
I believe what makes white people superior to other cultures is their intellect, and that can only come to fruition in the marketplace (because intellect is a strength of individuals, not collectives)
ooooooooof jeez, didnt realize it was this kind of chat here shit
Basically you’re asking me “would you rather die and never respawn again or just have a really shitty time?” @ETBrooD
which is why whites accomplished much through most of history without free market economics?
?r u restarted
We accomplished by far the most during the industrial revolution, and/or after the abolishment of the monarchy
i mean jeeze 2 centuries ago every white nation on earth was practicing strict mercantilism
Individuals form collectives to cooperate with each other. Even in free markets with corporations
ur restarted lucienne
@Frost509 ur mum is restarted
So the most technological advancements were made during the most free market era of human history
ur face is restarted
LOL COUNTRIES DIDN'T HAVE STARVATION PROBZ PRIOR TO FREE MARKET! This is top kek historian we have here guys
I step away for a second and we've got autism lvl over 9000
>Individuals form collectives to cooperate with each other. Even in free markets with corporations
I explained that to you before. "a collective" and "collectivism" are not the same thing.
they had the same starvation problems after the adoption of freer markets lol
there was no magical change between the two
Yes, we're so starved rn now that we're fing obese
just because they had less food per person than now doesnt mean they were starving lol
most of the food we eat today is unnecessar calories after all
If I gave you the option, either you die or your entire family and friend group dies, what would you pick? @ETBrooD
weve had plenty of famines under free market conditions
Collectivism is an ideology which demands the survival of the collective to be put above the wants and needs of the individual.
A collective is simply a group of individuals, they don't have to abandon individualism.
the most notable one probably being during the great depressiona nd dust bowl
Actually hold on a second
Then individualism would be putting the individual needs and wants above the collectives?
Why can’t their be a balance between these things?
and yeah most everyone is collectivist on some level
Surely this is a false dichotomy
Well you can take a centrist stance on individualism/collectivism if you like
well market isnt exactly free with food production here is it? government subsidises farmers all the time.
@Frost509 the market isnt very free anywhere
but its much fairer in food production than most any industry at least
It's not a false dichotomy, it's a scale. The more you demand that the individual wants and needs be put above the collective, the more individualist you are.
And, a collective is a *collection* of individuals so wouldn’t collectivism simply be individualism added up?
the great depression/dust bowl was self inflicted via govt intervention. The markets was recovering BEFORE the govt stepped in to 'fix' the problem. It was only after the govt stepped in did the great depression really kick off. Learn history plz