Message from @ETBrooD
Discord ID: 682271047097253917
while the concept of collectivism itself is retarded
Present an actual reasoning for your claims.
1 done by people acting as a group.
"a collective protest"
belonging or relating to all the members of a group.
"ministers who share collective responsibility" · "a collective sigh of relief from parents"
common · shared · joint · combined · mutual · communal · united · allied · cooperative · collaborative · aggregate · cumulative · undivided · pooled
individual · sectional
taken as a whole; aggregate.
"the collective power of the workforce"
collectives (plural noun)
2 a cooperative enterprise.
"the anarchist collective and bookshop"
cooperative · co-op · community · communal settlement · kibbutz · fellowship
a collective farm.
there isnt some vague "the collective"
You should look up the starvation rate in the Great Dustbowl.
Spoiler alert: there wasn't one.
if you arent identifiying what the supposed collective is then youre being retarded by asserting anyone is collectivist
and by that same margin youre retarded by asserting anyome is individualist without better explaining what their are individualizing *from*
Well and if you're illiterate on political philosophy while using the terminology of political ideology then I can only feel sorry for you
do the bread lines not look like a famine?
You know why civilized countries don't worry about the conquest of bread? It's because we're too busy conquering the 2 car garage.
Well if me picking hard socialism so my nation at least survives might be “collectivistic” but whatever. It’s that or they die out and are replaced @ETBrooD
@Jym i thought you said great depression for a second lol i was like im pretty sure plenty of people starved lol
I think that question has more dimensions than a collectivism vs individualism debate
i mean considering how much of the country was still sustenance farming at the time
with the dust bowl causing a very poor harvest season for several years
they did suffer quite a bit
> Well if me picking hard socialism so my nation at least survives might be “collectivistic” but whatever. It’s that or they die out and are replaced
But therein lies the problem - socialism will cause at least as much harm to your fellow whites as the current state of affairs will. Out of the frying pan into the fire.
both financially and starvation wise
Hard Socialism is already about to happen anyway.
i doubt that snake
but either way
you can have authoritarian regimes
that arent socialistic
its not the only solution
you fucking spergs
nah there will be a huge revolt if they try it here, too many conservitives with arsenals here
Demographics are destiny, importing socialists from Latin America is gonna make America a socialist, Latin American country
Demographics are indeed destiny, and importing socialists is indeed a problem, yes.
dont we import all the people from south america fleeing socialism?
Yeah but they vote it in over here as well
But as I've already said a few weeks ago, you can't win this war by use of government.
Communists never learn
It’s like shit libs running from California
How do the leeches survive in the US? And we both know that's a lot of black people.
To here in Texas
They still vote the Democrats in
Who receives the most welfare?