Message from @Kunarian

Discord ID: 669667170149466153

2020-01-22 22:13:37 UTC  

If we define by public opinion then the british are much more reactionary than what the conservatives are

2020-01-22 22:13:47 UTC  


2020-01-22 22:13:51 UTC  

I mean yes I suppose I am one of those myself, but I don't meet many

2020-01-22 22:14:10 UTC  

The conservative manifesto is primarily defined by equality

2020-01-22 22:14:19 UTC  

Depends where you live Mokou I suppose and even then you can accidentally be in a bubble.

2020-01-22 22:14:40 UTC  

My local seat is Con/Libdem swing if that's any indication

2020-01-22 22:14:54 UTC  

But the conservative party is socially leftist so

2020-01-22 22:14:58 UTC  


2020-01-22 22:15:00 UTC  

They're not.

2020-01-22 22:15:07 UTC  

They're socially centrist.

2020-01-22 22:15:23 UTC  

And probably will trend more Conservative over the years

2020-01-22 22:15:31 UTC  

Promoting anal sex and homosexuality to children is pretty conservative

2020-01-22 22:15:37 UTC  


2020-01-22 22:15:48 UTC  

You have some incredible views Leohte

2020-01-22 22:15:58 UTC  

It's not like that's not what they've done

2020-01-22 22:16:07 UTC  

Ones perfectly consonant with reality? I know

2020-01-22 22:16:20 UTC  

Yeah except they haven't.

2020-01-22 22:17:08 UTC  

Ok to argue it's the conservative party directly that have done these things is perhaps a stretch, but these things have largely occured in their time in office

2020-01-22 22:17:30 UTC  

ah yeah ... those traditionalist catholic conservatives.. all about that anal homos

2020-01-22 22:18:11 UTC  

Who said anything about catholics

2020-01-22 22:18:15 UTC  

@Mokou True but the Conservatives aren't responsible for the batshit insane teaching culture that arose under Labour and fostered in the universities. They've not had a majority until now. And tbh unpicking these things in society is hard, even for a government. It's been a social war. One that people like us are slowly winning.

2020-01-22 22:18:18 UTC  

when you think "sex up the bum" ... ask what would jesus do... he'd be all up in that.. says the conservative

2020-01-22 22:18:18 UTC  

Catholic tories? We 1690 now bois

2020-01-22 22:18:39 UTC  

I suppose Jacob Rees Mogg doesn't exist then

2020-01-22 22:18:52 UTC  

@Mokou tfw you're so big brained and centrist you skip 3 hundred years

2020-01-22 22:19:07 UTC  

The conservatives are not defined by Mogg, and you know it

2020-01-22 22:19:57 UTC  

No. Just a huge section of their party followed him in rebelling against May for a long time and his views are generally agreed with by many Conservative members and voters.

2020-01-22 22:20:14 UTC  

I know it's all fun and edgy to pretend like you're a "real Conservative"

2020-01-22 22:20:27 UTC  

But hating the Jews isn't really the trump card you think it is Leohte.

2020-01-22 22:20:30 UTC  

>by voters

2020-01-22 22:20:49 UTC  

We just said that we should look at their policy from the source, not from the voter base

2020-01-22 22:21:04 UTC  

The conservatives have not conserved anything

2020-01-22 22:21:15 UTC  

Your suggestion of the tories "over time getting more conservative" which is more realistically termed "growing a fucking spine" doesn't happen without people who are 'edgy' real conservatives

2020-01-22 22:21:18 UTC  

You say that as if conserving everything is good.

2020-01-22 22:21:26 UTC  

tory party wasnt even officially formed until 1830

2020-01-22 22:21:43 UTC  

No the Conservative Party wasn't formed until 1830

2020-01-22 22:21:46 UTC  

I didnt attach a moral value to conservativism, just that conservativism, should conserve

2020-01-22 22:21:54 UTC  

the Tory party has existed much longer

2020-01-22 22:22:04 UTC  

@Mokou I mean it's been people like Jacob and Boris and Priti that have given the Conservatives a spine more so than say Sargon or anyone on this server really.

2020-01-22 22:22:09 UTC  

or rather, existed much earlier and was morphed into the Conservative party