Message from @Gaylien

Discord ID: 673271917263716387

@system11 at least sweden does not have an industry of child rape and police being to afraid too arrest them becuz they come from pakistan and are muslim <:smugon:512048583806025739> god I love you guys

2020-02-01 20:56:55 UTC  

They just arrest people who complain it

2020-02-01 20:57:23 UTC  

Maybe they jsut dont want the future that the EU is creating Chris

2020-02-01 20:58:24 UTC  


2020-02-01 20:58:26 UTC  

@The Electric Lizard Do a flip Chris Davies.

2020-02-01 20:58:28 UTC  

that's too reasonable

2020-02-01 20:58:38 UTC  

They MUST be *RACIST!*

2020-02-01 20:59:05 UTC  

@ᚠᚢᛖᛚᛖᛞᛒᚣᚳᚨᚿᚳᛖᚱ do you honestly believe that the same isn't being done in sweden?

No because those people get at least a sentence unlike In britland @Mavalance furthermore, you cant be jailed for saying that those people that do those things are pieces of shit.

Although a lenient sentece is given, but at least they get punished.

2020-02-01 21:00:45 UTC  


2020-02-01 21:00:52 UTC  

the same is being done in britbong

2020-02-01 21:00:55 UTC  

I was in Cardiff tap house and I heard some swedish poof complain about Fascism in Sweden.

2020-02-01 21:01:16 UTC  

there are those who have been (fucking thankfully) arrested and sent to prison

2020-02-01 21:01:25 UTC  

Bloody filthy islamic shits

2020-02-01 21:01:43 UTC  

dont believe that you're better

@Mavalance Oh but how long did this take, like 20 years or something?

2020-02-01 21:01:51 UTC  

when the same is happening to both countries

No, no industrial rape of children has happened here yet.

2020-02-01 21:02:13 UTC  

Make Sweden Russia again.

2020-02-01 21:02:46 UTC  

does it have to be just about children? what about the women in your country

@Mavalance I honestly care more about children than I do of women.

2020-02-01 21:03:10 UTC  

Also, your government is also allowing such incredulous things to happen

2020-02-01 21:03:13 UTC  

"No go areas"?

2020-02-01 21:03:19 UTC  

and yeah, i agree

2020-02-01 21:03:33 UTC  

but that shouldnt take away from the fact of what happens to these women also

It has too be just about children for me to give many fucks honestly, to equivocate them is madness IMO. It is not good, but it is worst to have children being raped in an industrial scale.

2020-02-01 21:05:07 UTC  


2020-02-01 21:05:22 UTC  

id see a fucking purge happening in these bloody areas

2020-02-01 21:05:37 UTC  

where the police in the UK have allowed such things to happen

2020-02-01 21:06:06 UTC  

🤔 Maybe the police were also involved in the gang rapes?

2020-02-01 21:06:31 UTC  

@ᚠᚢᛖᛚᛖᛞᛒᚣᚳᚨᚿᚳᛖᚱ but raping children is apart of their culture!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Dont care, castrate them and lifetime jail + deportation.

2020-02-01 21:07:01 UTC  

how bigoted of you to say

2020-02-01 21:07:11 UTC  

truly this does not represent the whole of sweden?

You'd be amazed on how angry we get when rape of children happens. The only ones that do not get furios are the media, elites and those that you guys hear frequently but nevertheless, the amount of crime you guys have is bad tbh.

2020-02-01 21:08:41 UTC  

fucking immigrants shits

2020-02-01 21:08:52 UTC  

the blacks in london.......gang crime

2020-02-01 21:09:19 UTC  

the "muh islam" majority communities, a bloody disgrace and should not have ever of happened

2020-02-01 21:09:39 UTC  

thanks tony blair you immigrant loving troglodyte