Message from @Leohte

Discord ID: 673635723433345044

2020-02-02 21:01:02 UTC  

dont let any more in the country too. im sorry if thats 'fascist' but this has gone too far

2020-02-02 21:01:44 UTC  

The problem isn't Islam directly, but I agree

2020-02-02 21:02:13 UTC  

The current rate of migration just means they form enclaves

2020-02-02 21:02:36 UTC  

Or at least large groups of them do

2020-02-02 21:03:23 UTC  

@wacka try the last kingdom loosely based on anglo saxon england during the danelaw

2020-02-02 21:03:28 UTC  

break those up, deport people who need to be deported, execute terrorists, stop benefits cunts

2020-02-02 21:03:46 UTC  

*Stop benefits for non-Brits

2020-02-02 21:03:53 UTC  

soon as the money stops, most of the twats wont come over here

2020-02-02 21:04:04 UTC  


2020-02-02 21:04:04 UTC  

sink the boats in the channel

2020-02-02 21:04:08 UTC  


2020-02-02 21:04:15 UTC  

This guy is based

2020-02-02 21:04:26 UTC  

Send the boats back to France, and make them keep their problem

2020-02-02 21:05:50 UTC  

I saw the first series, seemed p good if I remember rightly

2020-02-02 21:06:07 UTC  

It was BBC and then transferred to Netflix, no forced diversity

2020-02-02 21:06:14 UTC  

The main character is a bit of a bell sadly

2020-02-02 21:06:48 UTC  

It's the Brit that gets taken by Vikings? ... Or other way round? ... Something like that

2020-02-02 21:06:52 UTC  

a bell?

2020-02-02 21:07:33 UTC  

An anglo gets ingratiated into viking society and then rebels etc

2020-02-02 21:07:48 UTC  

Hes basically a mercenary at the end of the day

2020-02-02 21:07:52 UTC  

A bell meaning bellend

2020-02-02 21:08:03 UTC  

claiming benefits, get out litter picking for 40 hours a week to earn it, make the country clean while you leech money, that goes fro people of all colour

2020-02-02 21:08:16 UTC  

or make them work on national constructions

2020-02-02 21:08:33 UTC  

Similar to what happened with the autobahn

2020-02-02 21:08:57 UTC  

cleaning graffiti off buildings, anything

2020-02-02 21:09:18 UTC  

What about disabled?

2020-02-02 21:09:39 UTC  

have them in admin jobs

2020-02-02 21:09:52 UTC  

being disabled doesnt mean being lazy

2020-02-02 21:10:09 UTC  

What about mentalists

2020-02-02 21:10:33 UTC  

Dont let them breed

2020-02-02 21:10:34 UTC  

if you are obviouslty unable to do tasks and are genuine, then yes, benefits should be there to help you

2020-02-02 21:10:41 UTC  


2020-02-02 21:11:55 UTC  

Doesn't all that contravene article 107 of the treaty of the functioning of the eu?

2020-02-02 21:12:03 UTC  

fuck em

2020-02-02 21:12:21 UTC  

time to make people realise that things arent free

2020-02-02 21:12:44 UTC  

working should be better off than being a lazy dole fuck

2020-02-02 21:12:56 UTC  

Isn't it interfering with competition? And free markets

2020-02-02 21:13:53 UTC  

Not granting benefits to parasites leads to less competition?

2020-02-02 21:13:57 UTC  

put them with the local councils, means you can have 20 people holding up a brush instead of 12

2020-02-02 21:14:08 UTC  

I dont believe in free markets

2020-02-02 21:16:08 UTC  

You should, it's what made the western world