Message from @Laucivol

Discord ID: 678084978374082591

2020-02-15 03:18:45 UTC  

Hrm, as said, clearly the 3DS port is terribad.

2020-02-15 03:20:34 UTC  

Almost perfect score on every review I’ve seen

2020-02-15 03:21:08 UTC  

Nostalgia, then?

2020-02-15 03:21:28 UTC  

Could be that I’m just not used to the super jank of old Zelda

2020-02-15 03:22:04 UTC  

Or it could be nostalgia, yeah

2020-02-15 03:22:14 UTC  

Being used to that counts as part of nostalgia. XD

2020-02-15 03:25:18 UTC  

I quit during the Gerudo Fortress section because the fucking guard shuffle slightly to the side and the Z-targeting tracked her but that caused the camera to clip into the wall behind me and break the Z-target, I tried to lock back on but when I hit the button is snapped the camera around to face the wall, the guard hit me and because of the gimmick she killed me instantly

2020-02-15 03:25:22 UTC  

@SkeF Ocarina of Time isn't overrated, it's more that it's *outdated*

2020-02-15 03:25:36 UTC  

There's a lot of games that were fucking amazing *for their time*

2020-02-15 03:25:42 UTC  

OoT is one of them

2020-02-15 03:26:02 UTC  

Then I realized that the part that I quit Breath of the Wild at is ripped directly from Ocarina of Time

2020-02-15 03:26:17 UTC  

Gerudo Fortress=Yiga Clan Hideout

2020-02-15 03:27:00 UTC  

The camera work there was actually good though

2020-02-15 03:27:25 UTC  

I mean, will say it's "fine" that you just don't like forced stealth sections

2020-02-15 03:27:33 UTC  

That's not something that's for everyone

2020-02-15 03:28:00 UTC  

but as someone who did a no-kill clear of Not Asking For This, I honestly quite enjoyed it

2020-02-15 03:28:44 UTC  

Something about Deus Ex Human Revolution didn’t feel right to me

2020-02-15 03:29:26 UTC  

I beat the first level and went “Yeah, not feeling it.”

2020-02-15 03:31:11 UTC  

And I quit Dishonored about a third or so the way through because I was getting annoyed that I could hold like, 10 bullets but only 3 sleep darts and I was trying to go low Chaos.

2020-02-15 03:47:18 UTC  

Yeah, I stuck through those sections.. but that's because MGS was a contemporary if that makes sense.

2020-02-15 03:47:37 UTC  

*And* I *really* wanted to see it through.

2020-02-15 11:47:52 UTC  

i can smell the battle royale approaching

2020-02-15 15:58:26 UTC  

OoT isnt overrated

2020-02-15 15:58:36 UTC  

It gets roughly the amount of praise it deserves

2020-02-15 15:59:19 UTC  

This should be obv, but, you have to judge the game relative to the year it was released

2020-02-15 16:16:33 UTC  

All Zelda games are overrated tbh

2020-02-15 16:17:24 UTC  

Link Between Worlds was alright

2020-02-15 16:32:40 UTC  

599 US dollars?

2020-02-15 16:34:53 UTC  

1500$ phones cost ~200$ to make

2020-02-15 16:34:55 UTC  


2020-02-15 16:34:56 UTC  


2020-02-15 16:35:03 UTC  

599 us dollars

2020-02-15 16:35:08 UTC  


2020-02-15 16:35:08 UTC  

ok maybe 300 since they fold

2020-02-15 16:35:17 UTC  

then again

2020-02-15 16:35:27 UTC  

most console dont make a profit on pure hardware sales

2020-02-15 16:35:49 UTC  

they make a profit from game licenses and first party game sales

2020-02-15 16:35:50 UTC  

yeah they get a cut when a game unit sells