Message from @ETBrooD

Discord ID: 683229806665793536

2020-02-29 08:09:10 UTC  

My argument pertains to racial relations and nothing else. How skin color affects us in everyday life, often subconsciously.

2020-02-29 08:10:34 UTC  

That impact is very strong. We pick our partners according to their skin color, which means there's no way to "solve" or otherwise circumvent the "problem" of racial preference, i.e. prejudice in everyday life, since sex and romance are two of the most important things in our lives.

2020-02-29 08:11:54 UTC  

The entire culture is affected by this, and since we can't "smell genes" or "smell melanin" this has nothing to do with either of those things. It's about the color and whatever behavior people of different races are displaying.

2020-02-29 08:12:43 UTC  

So the social relations are driven by superficial factors. This is very hard to deny.

2020-02-29 08:13:32 UTC  

Objectively nothing stops us from going all multicultural, but for some reason we don't. That's not because of anything deep under the skin, it's because of the outward, the superficial.

2020-02-29 08:14:16 UTC  

Men often weed out potential mates in a split second, and that is entirely superficial. Women do the same, although perhaps less strongly so.

2020-02-29 08:15:28 UTC  

So self-segregation of the race is inevitable. Meaning racial relations will always be difficult, unless all the races are equal otherwise - which they're not.

2020-02-29 08:16:29 UTC  

My point is basically, the more the government tries to create a multicultural society, the more it rips apart the fabric of society.

2020-02-29 08:16:46 UTC  

Ford and snake get this completely right.

2020-02-29 08:17:02 UTC  

Race is destiny.

2020-02-29 08:19:09 UTC  

I actually did a self-test one time. I looked at the top 50 or so image results on google, one time for white women, one time for black women. My preference for lighter colors was very clear.

2020-02-29 08:19:44 UTC  

I simply went with who I feel the most attracted to. Only whether I'd date them at all (just give them a chance), or not at all.

2020-02-29 08:20:31 UTC  

I can't remember the exact ratio, I just remember I picked a minority of darker shades, and the vast majority of lighter shades.

2020-02-29 08:24:57 UTC  

> I'm talking about social relations, not one's own behavior unrelated to social factors.


2020-02-29 08:25:29 UTC  

Social relations, the way people interact with each other.
Your own behavior is just your own behavior, you don't have to neccessarily interact with people.

2020-02-29 08:26:14 UTC  

The way we choose our romantic partners is heavily affected by skin color, this has been well established.

2020-02-29 08:28:11 UTC  

This is why people self-segregate, because dating, sex, romance, that's a key part of our lives. It's so essential that we build much of our life around it.

2020-02-29 08:28:42 UTC  

So racial relations will never be great in a multicultural society, regardless of how hard we try.

2020-02-29 08:29:19 UTC  

For example it reduces the number of closely available mates, making dating more difficult for people.

2020-02-29 08:31:13 UTC  

You make an insane amount of claims here without proof of a single one.

2020-02-29 08:31:19 UTC  


2020-02-29 08:31:36 UTC  

Dating preferences based on skin color are well established.

2020-02-29 08:31:42 UTC  

> Social relations, the way people interact with each other.
> Your own behavior is just your own behavior, you don't have to neccessarily interact with people.

"You don't have to interact with people." What?

2020-02-29 08:32:04 UTC  

If you jump rope at home, are you interacting with people?

2020-02-29 08:32:18 UTC  

> Dating preferences based on skin color are well established.

Another claim which you didn't prove, and an appeal to Authority.

2020-02-29 08:32:33 UTC  

It has already been proven, do you want me to provide a link?

2020-02-29 08:33:43 UTC  

By far the lowest response rate is towards black people.

2020-02-29 08:34:19 UTC  

Race=/=skin color.

2020-02-29 08:34:37 UTC  

That's what I said. Skin color matters in dating, not race.

2020-02-29 08:35:07 UTC  

Race is almost irrelevant. Two people of different races can have very similar looks.

2020-02-29 08:35:13 UTC  

You could bring up within population skin pigment levels as an argument, but the amount of not controlled for factors involved in race is extreme.

2020-02-29 08:35:22 UTC  

how to get a hot black chick

2020-02-29 08:35:38 UTC  

brown sugar, why you so sweet

2020-02-29 08:35:43 UTC  

> Race is almost irrelevant. Two people of different races can have very similar looks.

Another unproven claim.

2020-02-29 08:36:43 UTC  

This one is also mostly wrong and only applies when you use the three races model and only applies to EXTREME outliers.

2020-02-29 08:37:20 UTC  

Let me find a study on race identification.

2020-02-29 08:38:07 UTC  

Wait, fuck, it's 12:37 and I have to wake up at 6:30. I will continue the discussion after I wake up.

2020-02-29 08:41:33 UTC  

Well let me present you then with an article from one of my ideological opposites that supports my position: vox

2020-02-29 08:41:52 UTC  

You know shit's real when your ideological enemies support your views.

2020-02-29 08:43:23 UTC  

I find it hilarious that so many white people are trying to say "oh no we're not racist, look we're inclusive, we can do diversity" while in reality they're no different from the rest of us. They don't truly care about black people, otherwise they'd let them off the plantation.

2020-02-29 08:44:37 UTC  

But I guess that's what happens when even simple racial preference is considered racist.