Message from @Napoleon Lee Scott
Discord ID: 678723461903810621
repost to stop bronies
fullscreen borderless highly increases input delay
this is the kind of degeneracy adolf was talking about
if im new to metro 2033 will i be fucked if i play ranger hardcore
metro isnt that hard
yeah but for like mechanics and shit
does it disable tutorial like retarded doom 2016 or
you just get less ammo
ah okay
IMO doom 2016 is the worst game ive ever played only for that reason, you cant be challenged and also learn the controls. you only get one or the other
Join discord gg UqEJgfR
I'm not even a brony lmao
@Papa John's Day of Reckoning fuck tutorials learn it the man's way pussy
He’s a dragon fucker
sorry but i prefer enjoying my games
Dragons are hot af
or look in the enclosed instruction booklet
have you never played a shooter before?
@Papa John's Day of Reckoning same here, just not the *pussy* way
instructions booklet? are you a retarded console player stuck in 2002?