Message from @Ethreen42

Discord ID: 681420032944767006

2020-02-24 08:20:17 UTC  

Taste of their own medicine

2020-02-24 08:20:24 UTC  

But most of them arn't

2020-02-24 08:20:34 UTC  

the blue is the man protecting women, pink, and the white race, white

2020-02-24 08:20:54 UTC  

are you trying to trick antifa into hating themselves for being conservative?

2020-02-24 08:21:02 UTC  


2020-02-24 08:21:13 UTC  

Creating room for a Third Position

2020-02-24 08:21:16 UTC  


2020-02-24 08:21:24 UTC

2020-02-24 08:22:40 UTC  

that might be the first good non political meme posted here by someone else

2020-02-24 08:22:59 UTC  

007 really did win

2020-02-24 08:23:17 UTC  

Are gnomes just a lame rickroll? More at 11.

2020-02-24 08:23:42 UTC  

comparing conservatives to antifa is just as asanine as comparing liberals to nazis.

2020-02-24 08:24:51 UTC

2020-02-24 08:26:38 UTC

2020-02-24 08:29:35 UTC

2020-02-24 08:30:13 UTC

2020-02-24 08:39:24 UTC  

Maaan. College is deserted.

2020-02-24 08:39:46 UTC  

Combination of floods, snow and kung lung flu has killed the turn out

2020-02-24 08:39:56 UTC

2020-02-24 08:40:26 UTC  

No, it goes beyond money

2020-02-24 08:40:50 UTC  

> Another day, another normieCon take. Berkshire Hathaway owned Coca Cola isn’t “pandering to SJW’s”. They ARE the SJW’s and are socially engineering new ones. They are validating and commodifying this disgusting lifestyle and tacking it on to a product. This is Capitalism at work.

2020-02-24 08:41:07 UTC  

No its because their marketing team said so, marketing is worse than the media when it comes to be left wing

2020-02-24 08:41:22 UTC  

They do it even if it incurs loss

2020-02-24 08:41:51 UTC  

Market boys says brown ape lov speaky go their way

2020-02-24 08:41:53 UTC  

The point is they are marketing it despite this not being a popular view

2020-02-24 08:42:00 UTC  

Speaky go their way maybe more food

2020-02-24 08:42:04 UTC  

Ape together strong

2020-02-24 08:42:22 UTC  

Take a look at that Coca Cola ad, most people will have a disgust reaction to it

2020-02-24 08:42:44 UTC  

Yet they push it to normalize such degeneracy

2020-02-24 08:42:46 UTC  

undoubtable for a lot of these companies - especially the large ones - the motivation is mostly ideological, but I also think there are quite a few ones who do it because they think it's profitable

2020-02-24 08:42:57 UTC  

That's obvious they are morally self righteous they "KNOW" they're right it doesn't matter to them if 98% disagree they're just dumb uneducated and wrong then

2020-02-24 08:43:10 UTC  

Bro, bro

2020-02-24 08:43:15 UTC  

New coca cola ad

2020-02-24 08:44:15 UTC  

@Ethreen42 That's called Pink Capitalism, which is surely a factor. But the major factor is the ideologues behind it.

2020-02-24 08:44:37 UTC  


2020-02-24 08:44:41 UTC  

also this

2020-02-24 08:45:03 UTC