Message from @Alpaca

Discord ID: 553005192757510185

2019-03-07 00:03:45 UTC

they got aids

2019-03-07 00:03:47 UTC

and crime

2019-03-07 00:03:47 UTC


2019-03-07 00:03:51 UTC

ohhhhhh Venezuela ๐Ÿ‡ป๐Ÿ‡ช

2019-03-07 00:03:59 UTC

Still same question

2019-03-07 00:04:02 UTC

They have wifi?

2019-03-07 00:04:05 UTC

an egg here cost 0,1 $ @kae

2019-03-07 00:04:24 UTC


2019-03-07 00:04:34 UTC


2019-03-07 00:04:35 UTC

I farted

2019-03-07 00:04:39 UTC

i shidded

That actually exist

2019-03-07 00:04:41 UTC


2019-03-07 00:04:46 UTC


2019-03-07 00:04:47 UTC

@Kamexa i just saw this im curious

2019-03-07 00:04:55 UTC


2019-03-07 00:04:59 UTC


2019-03-07 00:05:06 UTC

the angry Venezuelan is gone <a:CrabDance:539922484154204201>

2019-03-07 00:05:12 UTC

150 DOLLAR EGGS <:OMEGALUL:494994480689315842>

2019-03-07 00:05:12 UTC


2019-03-07 00:05:19 UTC


2019-03-07 00:05:28 UTC

FBI investigation

2019-03-07 00:05:33 UTC

no music in the music channel

2019-03-07 00:05:34 UTC


2019-03-07 00:05:35 UTC

15 $ an egg

2019-03-07 00:05:36 UTC

When the national minimum wage is about 15,000 bolรญvars per month, or about $1,507.58 USD, black market prices are nearly impossible to afford. One bag of pasta can go for the equivalent of more than $300 USD dollars when purchased through illegal means, CNN noted.

2019-03-07 00:05:43 UTC


2019-03-07 00:06:07 UTC

Those are not the exchange rates

2019-03-07 00:06:11 UTC

im not kidding bulleck may not be alive in the next 20 years

2019-03-07 00:06:14 UTC

We use the black market nigga

2019-03-07 00:06:17 UTC

2019-03-07 00:06:26 UTC

@conormcgregor Im moving after my phD

2019-03-07 00:06:29 UTC

wait wtf

2019-03-07 00:06:34 UTC


2019-03-07 00:06:36 UTC


2019-03-07 00:06:55 UTC

"assuming CNN used the same weight for its powdered milk evaluation as it did for pasta and flour, a kilogram goes for 7,000 bolivares ($703.54 USD), or nearly half of a minimum wage monthly paycheck, on the black market"

2019-03-07 00:06:56 UTC

You know most of the food price inflation in venezuela is caused by US imposed sanctions, right?

2019-03-07 00:07:03 UTC

and embargos

2019-03-07 00:07:03 UTC


2019-03-07 00:07:06 UTC

What the fuck