Message from @Papa John's Day of Reckoning

Discord ID: 683055354405585014

2020-02-28 20:52:49 UTC  

cant find anything

2020-02-28 20:52:51 UTC  

I don’t remember who it was who originally said it here in Athens

2020-02-28 20:53:04 UTC  

But they said

2020-02-28 20:53:18 UTC

2020-02-28 20:53:20 UTC  

“How does it feel to no longer have a choice whether you get sick or not?”

2020-02-28 20:53:25 UTC  

The thing is

2020-02-28 20:53:36 UTC  

China's first days we're different to their current days with the virus

2020-02-28 20:53:40 UTC  

ok I found it

2020-02-28 20:53:43 UTC  

Those differences are mirrored here in western areas

2020-02-28 20:53:44 UTC  

but I cant view the videos

2020-02-28 20:53:47 UTC  

blocked in my country

2020-02-28 20:54:07 UTC

2020-02-28 20:54:52 UTC

2020-02-28 20:55:04 UTC  


2020-02-28 20:55:08 UTC  


2020-02-28 20:56:16 UTC  

@Steyr "Thick" Shotgun "busting the myth"

2020-02-28 20:56:28 UTC  

>makes myth
>brags about busting said myth

2020-02-28 20:57:33 UTC  


2020-02-28 20:58:07 UTC  


2020-02-28 20:58:13 UTC  

From my cold that I got a while ago

2020-02-28 20:58:21 UTC  

They did a test kit on me

2020-02-28 20:58:26 UTC  

And I’m waiting for the results

2020-02-28 20:58:35 UTC  

>COVID is in Cali anyway

2020-02-28 20:58:40 UTC  

There’s still a chance that I ha dand got over corona

2020-02-28 20:58:45 UTC  

I hope that o did

2020-02-28 20:58:56 UTC  

That way I won’t have to worry about it getting me again

2020-02-28 20:59:33 UTC  

I’m ngl

2020-02-28 20:59:39 UTC  

I really hope that I had gotten it

2020-02-28 20:59:45 UTC  

Kinda scares me if I didn’t

2020-02-28 20:59:54 UTC  

Because my immune system is definitely weaker rn

2020-02-28 21:00:11 UTC  

Cuz of all dose hormones

2020-02-28 21:00:15 UTC  

nah jk lol

2020-02-28 21:00:43 UTC  

But yeah I hope I got it earlier too, I had a terrible cough some time ago, but it may have been something different, and on top of this, there's a good chance it can mutate

2020-02-28 21:00:48 UTC

2020-02-28 21:00:59 UTC  

So etheir your immune system is far weaker now due to the previous virus or it's corona

2020-02-28 21:01:08 UTC  

@Papa John's Day of Reckoning you can get the virus again

2020-02-28 21:01:11 UTC  

after you had it

2020-02-28 21:01:40 UTC  

Yes a japanese woman has been reinfected sadly

2020-02-28 21:01:43 UTC  

and supposedly there is a chance that it makes you infertile if you get it twice