Message from @Uksio

Discord ID: 683388029485973518

2020-02-29 18:55:37 UTC  

It is ridiculous

2020-02-29 18:55:43 UTC  


2020-02-29 18:55:47 UTC  

I like how it's aiming down lol

2020-02-29 18:55:52 UTC  

Almost 5km shot

2020-02-29 18:56:17 UTC  

that massive riser

2020-02-29 18:56:42 UTC  

Well it would be useful as an anti-material weapon, although it may lose it's velocity quickl if it's too high velocity, a lighter bullet tends to have a lower BC and a very fast moving bullet exponentially loses more of it's velocity, as aerodynamic resistance increases exponentially the faster you go. So twice as fast means over twice as much aerodynamic resistance, and so on

2020-02-29 18:57:16 UTC  

I was thinking more along the lines of a bullet with such velocity and weight that you don't need to account for drop and flight-time as much.

2020-02-29 18:57:16 UTC  

Problably squared, so over 4 times the air resistance if twice as fast

2020-02-29 18:57:38 UTC  

That's an interesting idea and it would work really well out to a certain range before it inevitably dropped off

2020-02-29 18:57:39 UTC  

here you go

2020-02-29 18:57:44 UTC  

Speed record

2020-02-29 18:57:44 UTC  


2020-02-29 18:58:02 UTC  

it is bonkers

2020-02-29 18:58:25 UTC  

Those are two different rounds, but both held a record

2020-02-29 18:59:53 UTC  

Eargesplitten acheived 4800FPS

2020-02-29 19:00:02 UTC  

That's feet per second

2020-02-29 19:00:26 UTC  

I think that's enough to do some damage

2020-02-29 19:01:34 UTC  

One of them uses a modified 12 guage shotgun shell, and another uses a 40mm in order to get up to 7 km/s xD

2020-02-29 19:01:54 UTC  

So who knew the fastest round fired was a 12 guage shotgun xD Basically it creates a shockwave through hydrogen to get the velocity

2020-02-29 19:02:15 UTC  

Wait until the light-gas gun is mounted on an M113 as an experimental weapon.

2020-02-29 19:02:31 UTC  

Basically they plan to stuff a core into the round that will detonate instead of deflagrating

2020-02-29 19:02:53 UTC  

Deflagration is just a fancy scientific name for "burns slower than detonation"

2020-02-29 19:03:14 UTC  

Spicy rifle

2020-02-29 19:03:41 UTC  

If this one will have a failure then the shooter won't be telling a story about it

2020-02-29 19:04:36 UTC  

I wonder what is the benefit of hyperspeed bullets?

2020-02-29 19:04:51 UTC  

Hunting Sonic?

2020-02-29 19:06:28 UTC  

If you're shooting at targets kilometres away, the flight-time could be halved, meaning there's less time for the target to move.

2020-02-29 19:06:41 UTC  

Would also help in reducing lead when engaging moving targets.

2020-02-29 19:08:24 UTC

2020-02-29 19:09:34 UTC  

An advantage would be also in anti-aircraft fire, as you could get a bullet to intercept an aircraft far faster, and possibly get up higher

2020-02-29 19:09:59 UTC  

The main problem is that the bullet will lose this velocity quickly in our atmosphere, and it's difficult to maintain it at those speeds for more than a short period of time

2020-02-29 19:10:04 UTC

2020-02-29 19:10:35 UTC  

Fun fact: russians had a rocket with a machinegun in it