Message from @Ϻ14ᛟ

Discord ID: 682749409762869278

2020-02-28 00:38:55 UTC  

One fucking thing that would be worse about your life

2020-02-28 00:39:00 UTC  

You can't

2020-02-28 00:39:11 UTC  

It was a eutopia

2020-02-28 00:39:14 UTC  

@Thundermark So you haven't read it?
Its fairly short, its like reading a longer New York Times article to be honest. Take a look.

2020-02-28 00:39:22 UTC  

wait a minute

2020-02-28 00:39:27 UTC  

@Ϻ14ᛟ so you're a fascist

2020-02-28 00:39:30 UTC  


2020-02-28 00:39:37 UTC  

The reverse is the same of western republics.
Sure, you can find pebbles of shit. But they’re in a bucket of *pure 24 carat fucking gold*.

2020-02-28 00:39:42 UTC  

@Ϻ14ᛟ BASED, welcome to the club

2020-02-28 00:39:42 UTC  

and if its the LGBT that gain control of your fascist system, what then?

2020-02-28 00:39:45 UTC  

take one for the state?

2020-02-28 00:39:57 UTC  

More generally speaking I'd say I'm "Third Position" which encompasses Italian Fascism, as well as like Integralism, NatSoc, etc @Kreesident-Add5DTech

2020-02-28 00:40:05 UTC  


2020-02-28 00:40:16 UTC  

@Ϻ14ᛟ So what happens when the state inevitably becomes run by exactly the sort of ppl you're REEEEEing against? And they're the ones pushing the queer shit and punishing *you* for being against it? Oh wait, that's already been happening in Occupied Europe for *years*

2020-02-28 00:40:19 UTC  

Totalitarian will-limiting bullshit

2020-02-28 00:40:30 UTC  

Fascist Bros representation finally @Son of Rome @Ϻ14ᛟ

2020-02-28 00:41:45 UTC  

@Thundermark If you had read into Fascism you'd know its about instilling a philosophy in your people that would create a people of strong body and mind who wouldn't stand for such a thing. Fascism doesn't take away your guns either. If someone like this came to power some how which would likely be impossible because of all the systems they had to prevent it, the people wouldn't stand for it because it goes against everything right in the world. @Thundermark

2020-02-28 00:41:51 UTC  

@Ϻ14ᛟ You.👏🏻 Have.👏🏻 No.👏🏻 Way.👏🏻 Of.👏🏻 Guaranteeing.👏🏻 That.👏🏻 The.👏🏻 Totalitarians.👏🏻 You.👏🏻 Put.👏🏻 Into.👏🏻 Power.👏🏻 Will.👏🏻 Support.👏🏻 **Your.👏🏻 **Values.👏🏻 And.👏🏻 Not.👏🏻 Persecute.👏🏻 **You.**👏🏻

2020-02-28 00:41:53 UTC  

@NotDarkMagician ACKSHUALLY, it's NOT Fascism

2020-02-28 00:42:03 UTC  

If you haven't been banned for being a fascist on discord at least five times are you really a man

2020-02-28 00:42:24 UTC  

Maybe jus don't fedpost

2020-02-28 00:42:29 UTC  

no need to be a grug

2020-02-28 00:42:41 UTC  

Authoritarian Third Positionism relies heavily on the idea that the state is the exact same as the will of the people and that the people will always determine the state's doing no matter what. Which is fundamentally *flawed* I tell you. As it implies that anything the state does is indirectly the result of your will as part of a strong people or something, thereby eliminating even the remote *possibility* of you going against your state or separating the state from its own people.

2020-02-28 00:42:56 UTC  

Shabbas goys like pep will report you

2020-02-28 00:42:58 UTC

2020-02-28 00:43:04 UTC  
2020-02-28 00:43:19 UTC  

Yeah @Grok

2020-02-28 00:43:31 UTC  

@Ϻ14ᛟ Yean, ok, nice utopian fantasy world, kiddo. ¯\_<:pepelaugh:544857300179877898> _/¯

2020-02-28 00:43:48 UTC  

It also gives the state the right to interfere on its own *people,* under the belief that since they deviated from them they have deviated from the entire people, since the state is the people's will under this belief

2020-02-28 00:44:25 UTC  

@Ϻ14ᛟ "Everyone I don't like is a Fed/grug/JOO"
- a child's guide to arguing on the internet

2020-02-28 00:44:26 UTC  

I mean I know living in a Liberal Capitalist world its kind of hard to grasp a people who actually have a philosophy they follow, but it is a thing @Thundermark

2020-02-28 00:44:34 UTC  

A government that protects rights and doesn’t interfere with the markets is, *as the last hundred years has fkn proven*, to be the best way of providing economic growth and prosperity.

Fascism and Socialism fail on both those points.

This is why they inevitably fail. Not because of any minority concerns. Not because of “human nature”. They don’t “work in theory, but fail in practice.”


We have the numbers.

We know what produces surpluses, wealth and glorious fucking bounty.

Free markets and leaving people the fuck alone.

2020-02-28 00:45:33 UTC  

@Scale_e 1930s Germany was the fastest growing economy

2020-02-28 00:45:41 UTC  

War economy

2020-02-28 00:45:42 UTC  

@Ϻ14ᛟ We out-compete y'all on enforcement cost alone, did your big brain think of that?

2020-02-28 00:45:54 UTC  

Schlomo had to put a stop to it

2020-02-28 00:46:07 UTC  

@NotDarkMagician Too big to **not** fail <:pepelaugh:544857300179877898>

2020-02-28 00:46:09 UTC  

@NotDarkMagician If I rob a hundred banks. I get rich. Super rich.
Is robbing banks a good career choice?

2020-02-28 00:46:11 UTC  

@NotDarkMagician Then they invaded literally everyone and stretched their economy thin

2020-02-28 00:46:43 UTC  
2020-02-28 00:46:45 UTC  

They invested in their future and their people