Message from @Fat Seal

Discord ID: 553539884112150529

2019-03-08 11:28:16 UTC

he's even cooler probably

2019-03-08 11:28:17 UTC


2019-03-08 11:28:23 UTC

why u not believe me

2019-03-08 11:28:25 UTC

me too but ill try to stop with snus

2019-03-08 11:28:30 UTC

Fat seal fucks bitches

2019-03-08 11:28:30 UTC

Check IP2 forum for charge back guide

2019-03-08 11:28:30 UTC

GG @Rxxyan, you just advanced to level 2!

2019-03-08 11:28:31 UTC

me be cool

2019-03-08 11:28:33 UTC

why u not believin seal <:cmonPepe:529791260475523112>

2019-03-08 11:28:34 UTC

Snus <:haHAA:495080082747031553> lmao

2019-03-08 11:28:37 UTC

YOu can't charge back on streamlabs tho

2019-03-08 11:28:38 UTC

i love sniffing tobacco too

2019-03-08 11:28:41 UTC

Idk mayne don't know him he acts all kinds here

2019-03-08 11:28:48 UTC

I love sniffing gasoline

2019-03-08 11:28:57 UTC

@smokexanax try lean

2019-03-08 11:29:02 UTC

I will

2019-03-08 11:29:03 UTC

It is cheaper

2019-03-08 11:29:22 UTC


2019-03-08 11:29:34 UTC

nah dip is too much spitting

2019-03-08 11:29:44 UTC

dip dip dip dip dip

2019-03-08 11:29:52 UTC

i like dip with chip mmmm

2019-03-08 11:30:01 UTC

you must be a cowboy

2019-03-08 11:30:13 UTC

i am actually an autist not cowboy

2019-03-08 11:30:36 UTC
2019-03-08 11:30:46 UTC

whayw ehat what

2019-03-08 11:30:51 UTC

i like snus portions because you dont acutaly have to spit you can just swallow

2019-03-08 11:30:59 UTC


2019-03-08 11:31:03 UTC

eat snus?

2019-03-08 11:31:09 UTC

snus <:haHAA:495080082747031553>

2019-03-08 11:31:13 UTC

That shit is so fucking nasty

2019-03-08 11:31:14 UTC

that merican dip makes you spit so much more

2019-03-08 11:31:15 UTC

destroys ur mouth

2019-03-08 11:31:26 UTC

yeah snus not good

2019-03-08 11:31:38 UTC

I’ll destroy your mouth

2019-03-08 11:31:39 UTC

brah i take 50 cal shots to my head

2019-03-08 11:31:48 UTC

u do?

2019-03-08 11:31:49 UTC

snus wont destroy shit

2019-03-08 11:31:55 UTC

Is it even possible to charge back streamlab dono's???

2019-03-08 11:32:09 UTC

How u take 50 cal shots to the head

2019-03-08 11:32:24 UTC

how do u take a 50 caliber shot to ur head

2019-03-08 11:32:32 UTC
