Message from @YGN Manta

Discord ID: 553584100066328604

2019-03-08 14:23:35 UTC

Cats have no personality lol

2019-03-08 14:23:39 UTC

They are aliens

2019-03-08 14:23:40 UTC

tbh I hate cats no troll

2019-03-08 14:23:49 UTC

my cat i had was opening doors and fetching birds

2019-03-08 14:23:52 UTC

there leeches hate the world and are paranoid

2019-03-08 14:23:56 UTC

My dog talks

2019-03-08 14:23:57 UTC

if u hate cats ur autistic af. dogs are useless.

2019-03-08 14:24:07 UTC

And cats are useful lol?

2019-03-08 14:24:15 UTC

and she gave dog commands like give paw, sit or down without training

2019-03-08 14:24:23 UTC

My cousins cat scratch the fuck out of her

2019-03-08 14:24:24 UTC

she even rolled

2019-03-08 14:24:37 UTC

wtf is going on??

2019-03-08 14:24:56 UTC

my cat makes me happier than any dog could. they're independent for the most part and don't need constant attention. i'm sure u know how starved for attention dogs are. i have a life to live fuck off dogs.

2019-03-08 14:25:02 UTC

My nigga dex hugs me to sleep

2019-03-08 14:25:05 UTC

worst animals are people to me

2019-03-08 14:25:11 UTC


2019-03-08 14:25:17 UTC

Take your e dating privite yikes

2019-03-08 14:25:17 UTC

My dog doesnt need attention

2019-03-08 14:25:28 UTC


2019-03-08 14:25:29 UTC

u must have 1 unhappy boy

2019-03-08 14:25:34 UTC

<:LULW:522255935566118940> <:LULW:522255935566118940> <:LULW:522255935566118940> <:LULW:522255935566118940>

2019-03-08 14:25:38 UTC


2019-03-08 14:25:43 UTC

I sleep with him every night

2019-03-08 14:25:49 UTC

Dating and animal discord btw no hateing just facts

2019-03-08 14:25:52 UTC


2019-03-08 14:25:58 UTC

@BQXXII kys fag

2019-03-08 14:26:01 UTC

He cuddles against my legs when they are curled

2019-03-08 14:26:09 UTC

i love animaals

2019-03-08 14:26:11 UTC

yes yes kms yes

2019-03-08 14:26:14 UTC

@Reimur fuck up weeb fag

2019-03-08 14:26:15 UTC

2019-03-08 14:26:25 UTC

@smokexanax so does my cat. and i don't have to deal with some stupid ass dog and pretend like i don't hate him

2019-03-08 14:26:27 UTC

and spiders and bees even if they sting me

2019-03-08 14:26:37 UTC

BQX they can't get the purple stuff

2019-03-08 14:26:50 UTC


2019-03-08 14:26:50 UTC

GG @BQXXII, you just advanced to level 4!

2019-03-08 14:26:55 UTC

Most cats ive known are just weirdos they dont care for you dogs always love everybody

2019-03-08 14:27:05 UTC

I like cats too but i connect with dogs more

2019-03-08 14:27:09 UTC

no hating on kids but u all ruin all discord of any communities with this

2019-03-08 14:27:16 UTC

cats are loyal. dogs just like everybody. no loyalty there.

2019-03-08 14:27:25 UTC

Lol cats arent loyal